Summer Student Musical at the Grand Auditions

Description: Once Again Student Actors Will Take The Stage at The Grand Theater in Rocky Ford. Auditions Start Tuesday. (Photo Credit: TC Valdez)

Summer Student Musical at the Grand
By: JR Thompson
We are going to have a Summer Student Musical at the Grand Theater in Rocky Ford again! After the pandemic forced us to cancel last summer (we have done a show with young people eight to 18 since 1991) Projected production dates are July 22, 23 and 24.
We will be doing the Broadway musical is Kismet, which is set in Bagdad in the 12th century (think Aladdin). There are some really great songs and lots of fun, laughs and romance.
Given that we are still dealing with some COVID restrictions, at least as of now, we will be doing tryouts and rehearsals a little differently.
Tryouts will begin at 7 p.m. each evening on Tuesday, May 18, Wednesday, May 19 and Thursday, May 20.
You need to wear a face mask and use our social distancing seating (which we have been using for movies) until you are called to the stage, which will be done as small or family groups. In the case of unrelated (not same household) individuals, you will need to maintain the six feet social distancing on stage. Mike will check voice ranges, as usual, and I will ask people to read short selections from the script. Mike may want you to sing a familiar song, but we will need to either be in household groups or maintain that six feet distance on stage until he asks you to sing solo.
We will announce the cast at the first rehearsal on Tuesday, May 25, and hand out scripts and plastic face shields (this is something Crowley County High School drama used successfully this spring). For the first several weeks of rehearsals, we will be working with small groups or occasionally an individual, not just on one scene but on the entire role of those individuals (this will include supporting roles as well) As we get closer to performance we will move to rehearsing with the entire cast, who should be familiar with their roles, songs and blocking by that point in time.
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