Swink School District #33 Regular Meeting Sept. 14th

Description: Swink School District #33 met with concerned parents during its regular meeting.

Swink School District #33 Regular Meeting
Superintendent Hebberd added items to the agenda including how CHSAA changes can effect their sports season. Three Amendments were accepted.
Under public comment several parents discussed their concerns.
Jeff Palucci thanked the board for their service and voiced his opinion that its time to say enough is enough...he said the kids are the ones getting shorted, particularly in athletics. Now it's being taken away for a handful of students. They are outside and they don't shake hands they are glad to go hold their golf clubs and it's not fair to them.
Paul Casper, another parent, said, "my biggest concern was how Thursday was handled. We essentially had a fire drill and we just threw our hands up and sounded the alarm like a tornado was coming."
Hebberd replied, "were are trying to build the plane while we fly the plane and the specs are being changed. Once there is a positive case we hand it over to the county health department. We asked to release students at the end of the day and the health department said it needed to be done immediately."
Casper countered with, we can't light our hair on fire every time someone gives you direction to. "Your job is to protect the students regardless of policy."
We learned from this experience, and we will do better next time, we hope that we won't have to go through this longterm, Hebberd said.
"A case of covid is not the end of the world," Casper said.
Gardner, asked when the last fire drill was held, Principal Lauren Vortruba responded that a fire drill was held in March.
The board discussed their preparation to handle other emergency situations.
Katherine Pallucci, asked how will teachers be held accountable for their online teaching? She went on to say, "We cannot repeat what we did in the Spring."
Hebberd, we learned to schedule class time as well as other valuable lessons.
Brad Davidson, Fire Chief and parent said, "Planning is my business, I wasn't here, but my phone rang a lot. I ask that you plan with us and we pre-plan. I am offering my service as the fire chief, we've got to come together for the safety of our kids." He also mentioned that a teacher had acted rudely during an online class session.
"Our kids are depressed...we have to give them the support they need." Davidson said. The district should have pre-planned messages set up, and give notice of the system to the community.
"I'm asking the board to reach out to the resources available, we are here." Davidson said. "I would be more than willing to help to make things easier."
Brianne Bond, alumn, coaches wife, and parent of student athletes commented next. Bond said kids in the district are depressed. She addressed the mask state mandate and conflicts with CHSAA rules. Particularly, she spoke about student athletes having to wear masks during practice in the gym, she said CHSAA said they were not required during practice. She asked, why does Swink need to "go above and beyond" on the regulations.
Can we do something for the kids? To remind the kids that we care about them. Bond asked.
Due to covid we have the opportunity and a far greater responsibility to go above and beyond for our kids and encourage them and show them that we care.
Hebberd said, we've invested a lot of time, effort, and money in making a sociological connection with our students. The district has utilized grant funds and has programs currently in place to support students' mental well being.
In regards to the masks during practice, Hebberd said, CHSAA only gives guidelines about sports in season, which are currently outdoors. It wouldn't apply to indoor practice.
Ky Davis encouraged Swink parents to express empathy when teaching their kids about wearing masks, that they are not a punishment, but a safety precaution for others.
Principal Vortruba reported that the elementary students are taking it in stride and online learning was going well.
Vortruba said, some of our typical activities have been canceled, so we are trying to keep some like the trip to the pumpkin patch.
Matt Gardner expressed concerns over the safety of a pumpkin patch field trip.
Votruba gave Kudos to the staff who have made lots of changes.
Parent conferences will be scheduled on google meets, and parents are being notified this week.
Hebberd, reported the district would save about $8,000 on the solar panel project if they end the contract. By October we will need to decide whether or not the solar panels will go up again.
Hebberd brought up planning for knowledge bowl in regards to social distancing and safety measures.
The board approved their minutes from August 10th.
Financials were approved.
Under personnel Grantham recommended approving the group in one vote. Hebberd clarified that approval did not guarantee the position during these uncertain times.
Hebberd reported that a USDA lunch and breakfast waiver would reimburse the district regardless of the application of the family. We would have to pick up the snack program, roughly costing $500 per week, if we apply for the waiver and get it it will negate that cost.
The board approved to move forward with the the usda grant application.
The board discussed the remote learning challenges. Including clarification that students have classes each hour of the day with teacher face time.
Matt Gardner asked that the teachers be held accountable for being tardy to class and that the kids need to be given leeway in logging on as there are technology issues and slow internet. Gardner went on to mention that there seemed to be a lack of ability to relay information to parents through the district website.
Hebberd reported that the HVAC Best grant progress was in planning stages as they are determining how to improve ventilation to the building during the project.
The board discussed HVAC units that utilize intelligent control to maximize airflow control through the building.
Under accountability, the board hasn't assembled a committee due to current issues.
The board discussed the possibility of a CHSAA sanctioned Fall sports season.
Hebberd said, it looks like a possibility that there would be a Fall Football season, however, the district would need to choose between the Fall season and the Spring season, CHSAA only allows each district to participate in one or the other.
Hebberd said he anticipates other districts would want to do the Fall season, and Swink might be behind due to the quarantine.
Wallace, recommended looking into what the other districts are doing because they need to know there are teams to play.
Diane Milenski said, we could be ready to play in the Fall, but it could cause issues for the other seasons down the road if any issues come up.
The board agreed to find more information before making a decision and moved to adjourn.
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