About The Valley: Grunt Bladez Represents SECO on Forged in Fire

Description: Tyler Gruntorad recently appeared on The History Channels competitive blacksmithing show Forged in Fire.

Published: 01/22/2022
Byline: Hart

ATV Grunt Bladez Forged in Fire

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About The Valley: Grunt Bladez on Forged in Fire

About The Valley SECO News seconews.org

SECO News: This is Adrian Hart with your Southeast Colorado News on seconews.org 

It's "About The Valley," our traveling podcast program dedicated to The People of Southeast Colorado. We travel across the valley to bring you their stories about their businesses and we've got a great story lined up for you today with Grunt Bladez.

Tyler Gruntorad has a knife making business based out of Ordway, Colorado right here in Southeast Colorado. He makes quality custom knives and he has recently appeared on Forged in Fire, a History Channel program that's rather popular and based around folks who forge knives.

Gruntorad: That's correct.

About The Valley SECO News Grunts Bladez Forged in Fire

SECO News: Alright, Tyler welcome to the show Tyler, I can tell we're going to have a good time. We just broke the ice, so let's talk about your Forged in Fire experience first. How did you get involved, and how did you get on the program in the first place?

Gruntorad: The way you go about getting on...I saw it on a Facebook group post, they were asking for contestants, so I figured I would email them to see if they'd be interested.

SECO News: Yeah.

Gruntorad: ...and then they send you back an application, and then you fill out that application and what is pertains is, you know, like a 1-5 what's your confidence on level specific things. You know, like a twisted Damascus, a ladder pattern Damascus, several things, different types of tang construction.

About The Valley SECO News Seconews.org

SECO News: Oh, okay. So, they want to asses your abilities.

Gruntorad: Yes.

SECO News: ...and then of course if your abilities meet their requirements.

Gruntorad: The next stage after that, if they like your application, they will try to set up a Skype interview.

SECO News: Oh, right.

Gruntorad: During that interview they kind of want to get to know your personality, and who you are.

SECO News: Right.

Gruntorad: make sure your not, you know, a crazy person.

SECO News: Make sure your comfortable in front of a camera.

Gruntorad: Yup, comfortable in front of a camera, can answer the way they want it, and then they ask that you bring a few knives to kind of show off that way you can show your different skill sets and things like that. 

SECO News: Okay.

Gruntorad: ...and the next step, if they like that they will want you to send in videos of you actually doing it.

SECO News: Okay, you've got to give a demonstration.

Gruntorad: Yes, that way they know you're not just lying to them, and someone else made those knives.

SECO News: Right, because they probably do get some fraudulent applicants.

Gruntorad: Yup, I'm sure they do.

SECO News: People that want to be on TV. Well, very cool that you had the talents and the skills to get you there. Tell us about your experience with, off mic you said that you guys filmed it back in March?

Gruntorad: Yes, actually, flew me out there in March to go film total it was about four or five days, I believe. I'm probably not supposed to say this but...

SECO News: Yeah, well has the episode already aired locally? 

Gruntorad: Yes, yes.

SECO News: So the episode has already aired so we aren't spoiling it unless you haven't seen it.

Gruntorad: No. 

SECO News: Of course we'll make sure to promote it on social media once we can find out where it's available on streaming services too.

Gruntorad: Yup.

SECO News: But that's probably still a couple months out with it being on season number nine?

Gruntorad: Well, season 8, but like in the beginning precursor to season nine, I believe.

SECO News: Oh, okay.

Gruntorad: It's still season eight. It should be episode 36, I believe of season 8. If you want to look it up like on Hulu and stuff, I think they have them sometimes.

SECO News: Okay. Last we checked we knew they didn't have season 8 up yet, but we'll make sure to promote it once it's up, so folks can watch you in the episode.

Gruntorad: Alright.

SECO News: We don't want to spoil it, but what would you like to share about your experience? 

Gruntorad: Being a fan of the show it was cool to, you know, be able to be there and see how everything looks and how they set everything up, and it looks different when you're actually there. When it pertains to lighting and things like that, it's so much darker there than it actually looks.

SECO News: Right.

Gruntorad: The judges sit a lot farther back than I even realized. The building is a lot bigger than it looks.

SECO News: There's a lot more camera magic going on there than expected.

Gruntorad: Yup. 

SECO News: Very cool. I think a big reason SECO News is interested in this story is because you took what you do in the valley to a bigger level and shared it with a larger community. Do you want to tell us about your experience in what it was like to take your craft, your trade skill and kind of take it to the next level for a couple of days and show off? 

About The Valley SECO News seconews.org Grunts Bladez on Forged in Fire

Gruntorad: Yeah, it's really cool to be able to, you know, just be like a local, normal guy who people know around here.

SECO News: Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Gruntorad: You go be on this national TV that the world's going to watch. So, yeah, I mean it was pretty awesome.

SECO News: Do people recognize you in Village Inn?

Gruntorad: Sometimes, every once in a while. I'm sure most people are going to be like that guy looks familiar. I can't quite put a finger on it.

SECO News: Very nice. So, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. We're going to have some photos in the photo gallery for people to check out.

Gruntorad: Alright.

SECO News: Do you have your own Facebook page for your business?

Gruntorad: Yes. Currently you can look up GruntBladez or my name Tyler Gruntorod and I put all my pictures and stuff on there.

SECO News: Alright, we'll put a link to your Facebook Page that way people can see what you're up to and have your contact info so they can have you put 25 hours into one of those custom knives.

Gruntorad: I appreciate that.

SECO News: Beautiful knives, we're going to have pictures of them. Very nice, quality work. Thank you for taking your time and sharing your craft with our audience. Is there anything you want to add Tyler?

Gruntorad: I don't think so, I appreciate you coming over, and it was nice meeting you and seeing you.

SECO News: Alright, very cool and we'll be sure to promote the episode once it's available on streaming platforms.

Gruntorad: Alright.

SECO News: Awesome.

Tyler's Facebook Page Grunt Bladez Link:


This "About The Valley" Program has been a presentation of La Junta Trading Company, Right on The Corner, Right on The Price 2nd and San Juan Ave. in La Junta. 

This Week's "About The Valley" Interviews:

About The Valley: City of La Junta Tarantula Festival Plans

About The Valley: Bethany's Birthday in a Bag

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