Otero County Air Quality Health Advisory; COVID-19 Status 5/11/22

Description: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has Released an Air Quality Health Advisory for Fine Particulates affecting Southeast Colorado.

Published: 05/11/2022
Byline: Hart


Air Quality Health Advisory; COVID-19 Status

The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Wednesday 5/11/2022 at 10:06 a.m.


Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.

Internet links:  Before I send out these emails, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.

1.       Air Quality Health Advisory:  Please see the attached document regarding an air quality health advisory for our area.

For the latest Colorado statewide air quality conditions, forecasts, and advisories, visit the following website:  CDPHE - Colorado.gov/AirQuality

2.       COVID-19 Status:  As of the time of this writing, Crowley is in Green Level and Otero is in Blue Level for the one week cumulative incidence rate  (COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates). 

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


Air Quality Health Advisory for Fine Particulates
Issued for the eastern plains of Colorado
Issued at 8:00 AM MST, Wednesday May 11, 2022
Issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Affected Area: Logan, Sedgwick, Phillips, Morgan, Washington, Yuma, Elbert, Lincoln, Kit Carson, Cheyenne, Pueblo, Crowley, Otero, Kiowa, Bent, Prowers, Las Animas, Baca, and eastern portions of Weld, Adams, Arapahoe, El Paso, and Huerfano counties.
Locations include, but are not limited to,  Sterling, Julesburg, Holyoke, Fort Morgan, Akron, Wray, Kiowa, Hugo, Burlington, Cheyenne Wells, Pueblo, Ordway, La Junta, Eads, Las Animas, Lamar, Trinidad, Springfield, and Walsenburg.
Advisory in Effect: 9:00 AM MST, Wednesday, May 11, 2022 to 9:00 PM MST, Wednesday, May 11, 
Public Health Recommendations: If significant concentrations of fine particulates are present and reducing visibility to less than 10 miles across a wide area, People with heart or lung disease, older adults, and children in the affected area should reduce prolonged or heavy indoor and outdoor exertion.
Outlook: Strong and gusty winds will produce areas of blowing dust on Wednesday. Areas of blowing dust will persist throughout the region during the late morning and afternoon hours. The threat for blowing dust will gradually diminish across the advisory area Wednesday evening. Additionally, smoke from out-of-state wildfires will be transported into the advisory area throughout the day on Wednesday.
For the latest Colorado statewide air quality conditions, forecasts, and advisories, visit:
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Air Quality Alert 5/11/22 PDF