The A.R.T. Project City Council Presentation 8/15/22

Description: Press Play to Watch Zeke Ayala Present an update on The A.R.T. Project to La Junta City Council on August 15, 2022.
The A.R.T. Project City Council Prrsentation 8/15/22
Since we've last spoken, I have receive a tremendous amount of community support surrounding The A.R.T. Project. I would like to thank everyone for that. Thank You very much!
With the help of the community and the people in it, here is an update on the present state of the project. Along with our previous meeting minutes concerning the dates, times, location and information pertaining to The A.R.T. Project, this is what we have now accomplished:
1. We have obtained written permission from the property owners to paint their structure(s). We are retaining our open theme and guidelines. If after the completion of the event, there are concerns over the artwork, we will address those concerns then.
2. We have submitted to and spoken with La Junta Fire Chief Davidson concerning the street and alley closures and he says there will be no problem with them.
3. We have spoken with La Junta Police Chief Quick concerning the event and closures and he says there is no problem.
4. We are no longer going to paint the city dumpsters as we will have enough to paint with the walls and the donated content.
5. We have gone through an alley walk through with Mr. Arguello and Mr. Aragon from the electrical department. We have addressed any concerns and the areas of concern will be off limits to the artists. We also addressed the power box electrocution issue and there should be no problems painting them.
6. We are allocating a specific wall for the community to paint to help alleviate some of the not so public art we are seeing around town. We also have a wall for the HS cheer squad and the Goal Team right now, with hopefully more youth being involved soon.
7. We have had the walls looked at by a local Mason and they have offer their services to us if needed for filling or repairs prior to painting
8. We have, at this time, thirteen (13) sponsors who have helped out already or who are willing to help with materials and equipment. That list is growing.
9. We have had an outrageous reach out from artists who want to participate in this event. If we can get more area to paint and more sponsors for materials and equipment, we may look at having them. If not maybe next year.
10. Our alley clean up team is complete and ready to go and help make the alley a cleaner and better place before, during, and after the event.
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(719) 468-9720
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