Local Public Input Hearings Regarding Prison Closures Scheduled

Description: Local Public Input Hearings on Prison Closures Scheduled: Public Attendance ONLINE.

Local Public Input Hearings Regarding Prison Closures Scheduled
REGARDING POTENTIAL CLOSING OF PRIVATE PRISONS.. If you live in Otero, Bent or Crowley Counties this is the most important issue concerning the mentioned Counties. Please share and attend the meetings, the future of Otero, Bent and Crowley depends on you.
LOCAL PUBLIC INPUT HEARINGS NOVEMBER 30 and DECEMBER 1 Regarding the State of Colorado Prison Utilization Study Hosted ONLINE by Bent and Crowley County Commissioners HB 20-1019 directed the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to study future prison bed needs and analyze economic impacts of the prisons in Bent, Crowley and Otero Counties. At the request of the Bent and Crowley Commissioners, HB1019 also requires that local public hearings be held to solicit input from our residents on this key issue. Due to Covid, the hearings will be conducted online.
These meetings will provide residents of Bent and Crowley Counties and the surrounding communities the opportunity for direct public testimony and input to their County Commissioners and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs about the impacts of the prisons in our communities.
The hearings will begin with an introduction by county commissioners, followed by a brief overview of trends and current conditions by consultants and then public testimony.
County Commissioners will host one online hearing for each county: Monday November 30, 5:30 PM – Crowley County Hearing Tuesday December 1, 5:30 PM – Bent County Hearing Connect to the Zoom webinar via PC, Mac, tablet or smart phone: This is the most interactive option. https://zoom.us/j/94965910073?pwd=WTg2dVZvd2RaRXZBaFptV2wxN1pFQT09
Watch the hearing live on YouTube: This is the least complicated option.
Step 1 - You tube channel link: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkMe7y1odlXnGI4H7FdbkAw
Step 2 - Select live video “Colorado Prison Utilization Study - Public Hearing”
Note: The livestream videos are delayed by several seconds. To provide comments via telephone: This is a way to hear the meeting and make comments by phone.
Participants can view the meeting on YouTube and call-in to make a comment. Step 1 – Dial 1 346 248 7799
Step 2 – Enter Meeting ID 949 6591 0073 (and then press #)
Step 3 – It will ask for a Participant ID, you don’t have one, just press #
Step 4 – Enter the Meeting Password 499142 To request to speak, press *9 When called upon, unmute by pressing *6 If you cannot attend either of these hearings or prefer to provide written testimony, comments may be submitted to:
If you want to know more about the prison utilization study, please call:
Bent County Commissioners
Crowley County Commissioners
Mark Radtke, Colorado Department of Local Affairs, 720-576-0468
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