Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter June 2023

Description: Minutes and Reports from the Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club June Meeting...

Minutes for June 6, 2023
The weather was great that evening with a breeze that kept the mosquitoes grounded, but not the potatoes chips. (The birds came to enjoy them the next day.) Richard Wittman grilled up some tasty hamburgers and hotdogs and the ladies produced some wonderful salads and desserts. Even Chuck’s Dilly bars were “slurpin’ good." Please pardon my Ozarkian upbringing.
We had about 28 of us there for a great time. Rethabel led us in prayer and we all pledged our allegiance to the flag right after. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as written.
Treasurers Report
Carol Allen read the treasurer’s report.
Old Business
We gave accounts for the events of the past month. It seems as though no one made it to the Outlaws Car Show at the Pueblo River Walk in Pueblo May 7.
Next in line was the May 20th Lamar Days Rod Run in which Jimmie Martinez and Gary Caldwell represented us. Again, Gary made to the “Cruisin into Fun Festival” event in Rocky Ford on June 3rd. Jim Huff made it there to look in on the event and he seemed to think that there were more cars there than usual.
New Business
The Great Road Race comes through La Junta on July 1st. The cars have to be able to travel June 24th to July 2nd starting in St. Augustine, Florida with overnight stops in Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri, Kansas and Colorado. They have an 11 AM lunch at the Welcome Center in Lamar July 1st and spend that night stopping at the Pueblo Union Station and on to the final stop on Tejon Street in Colorado Springs. Some of us may attempt to get some photos when they come through town, but it will be difficult knowing when they pass by. Their cars will be 1974 and earlier in age. The race is based not on speed, but their ability to perform precision driving and navigational skills and completion of the trip.
The 2023 North Central Zone Meet of Studebaker Club will take place June 22, 23, 24. Chuck Donkle is in charge of local arrangements and can offer information about the event. The group will enjoy the Koshares, Bents Fort, ending with their car show at the La Junta City Park on the 24th. Our next meeting will be on July 11th at 6 PM and will feature our annual ice cream social. We will need toppings, cake, pie or anything tasty with ice cream.
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