Otero County Commissioners November 23rd Meeting (November 16th Minutes)

Description: Otero County Commissioners Meeting November 23rd. Minutes from November 16th.

Otero County Commissioners Meeting November 23rd
The Otero County Commissioners Approved Their Minutes from November 16th.
The Commissioners Discussed Two MOU's (Memorandum of Understanding) Between Otero County and Municipalities in Otero County, Otero Partners Incorporated, and The SBDC.
Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe Explained the MOU's. They Allow Otero County to pay OPI over $156,000 (CARES Act Funds) as a pass through for this program.
The Small Business Development Center will be the marketing arm of the program. Applications are filed 100% online through Google Forms. Grants of up to $10,000 will be distributed to Small Businesses and Organizations That Have Had Negative Impact By COVID-19.
The Application Deadline is December 9th. Review of Applications takes place on the 10th and 11th.
A Review Group has been established and there will be a scoring system to make it fair, according to Tanabe. After Review Funds Will Be Awarded.
We are really excited about it because we are really wanting to help the businesses who have suffered losses due to Covid-19. Left over funds would be used for a second round of funding, according to Tanabe.
The SBDC will be Releasing A One page Marketing Tool To The Press.
Funds should be spent by the end of the year, Tanabe said.
Commissioner James Baldwin moved to approve OPI and SBDC Memorandums of Understanding, Hostetler Seconded, The Commissioners Unanimously Approved Both MOU's.
The Courthouse and All County Offices Will Be Closed For The Thanksgiving Holiday This Thursday and Friday.
No Public Hearing Next Week Because The Colorado Counties Incorporated (CCI) Conference is Scheduled on Zoom on Monday.
Hostetler Reported That SAGE Needs Volunteers To Deliver Meals.
Baldwin Mentioned that During the Otero Partners Inc. Meeting the OPI Memorandum was discussed and they overwhelmingly wanted to take part in the grant process.
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