Otero County Commissioners December 14th Meeting (December 7th Minutes)

Description: Otero County Commissioners December 14th Meeting (December 7th Minutes).

Otero County Commissioners December 14th Meeting (December 7th Minutes)
Otero County Commissioners Approved Their Minutes From December 7th.
Four ambulance permits for Rocky Ford were approved.
Alcohol and Tobacco Permits Were Approved for The Beer Joint.
Supplemental Budget Request for DHS, Road and Bridge have been previously addressed. In this meeting they reviewed a supplemental budget request for Otero/Crowley County Health Dept.
The Supplemental Budget Request is Approximately $200,000, Bringing The Otero/Crowley County Health Department 2020 Budget to $1.7 Million.
The Supplemental Budget For The Otero/Crowley County Health Department Was Approved.
According To County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe, County Sales Tax Continues to do Well Despite the Corona Virus Impact on Local Business.
County Sales Taxes are at a 12.83 percent increase over last year, according to Tanabe. She said they are excited to meet the 2 Million Dollar Goal.
Underfunded Courthouse Grant Totals $151,273. Funds will be used to complete a single entry on the North side of the courthouse, remodeling and construction. The county also Applied to DOLA for over $300,000 for the project with a $600,000 Total Project Cost.
Rehabilitation of the Masonic Lodge, that housed the DA's Office. Hope is to have it completely rehabilitated to house the DA and create additional office space in five years. the priority for that building is the roof.
Instead of each county and municipality receiving an allotment, they have built a program to assist economic development.
135 businesses were awarded and a review team scored each application.
Award Letters and Denial Letters Will Go Out With Checks By The End Of The Week, according to Tanabe. Otero County matched funds over $356,000, in addition to municipalities adding to the fund.
$706,528.26 In Total Awards Will Be Distributed, which will create a "Significant Impact To Those Who Applied," Tanabe Said. SBDC Helped out with the application process and marketing and Otero Partners Inc helped by being a pass through for the money.
Goodwin said, "We are proud of the fact that $706,528 is going out."
20B-001 Senate Bill Small Business Relief
Goes Back to Small Businesses in Otero County
The application process will look different, according to Tanabe and the small businesses categories include Restaraunts, Bars, Caterers, Movie Theaters, and Fitness Centers. Only counties that are in Red or Orange are eligible for this fund. If counties have not abided by health department orders they are not eligible. The application process will be open 21 days.
Feb 12th all monies must be spent or it goes back to the state
County Clerk Reported
The Otero County Clerk and Recorder's Office is open by appointment only through the rest of the year.
Commissioner James Baldwin Reported
"10-41 is a way for the county to hold those responsible for making sure vegetation is replaced as water is moved off of irrigated land. Commissioner Baldwin reported that 250 acres in Otero County are being removed to be used for augmentation to have a change of use done on the water and we are just trying to make sure they are following our 10-41 regulations and keeping that properties vegetation."
Goodwin said, there's a lot of reading and a lot of research, It's important that we take our time and do it right.
Goodwin Reported that he had attended Zoom meetings on the Covid-19 vaccine with CDPHE.
Goodwin said it will probably be about summer time when the vaccine will be available to the general public.
He said that it's a two-shot process one with 28 days between and one between 21 days. The county has received 40,000 doses, so that treats 20,000 people.
Under Announcements
The County Courthouse, Courts, and Landfill will be closed Christmas Eve, Christmas, and New Year's Day.
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