Otero County Health Department Covid Update December 25, 2020

Description: Otero County Health Department Covid Update December 25, 2020

Published: 12/25/2020
Byline: Hart


The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Friday 12/25/2020 at 11:38 am.


12/25/2020 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1:  Weekly Update 

Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.

Internet links:  Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.  You may have to search around a bit.

Hello to all, below are some COVID-19 updates:

  1. Free COVID-19 Community Testing:  Next week OCHD staff will be doing free COVID-19 community testing, please see the details below.

a.       Monday, 12/28/2020 & Wednesday, 12/30/2020

ü  Location:  Rocky Ford Public Safety Building, 300 South Main Street, Rocky Ford

ü  Time:  1:00pm-3:00pm.

ü  Preregister here:  https://curative.com/search#9/37.9232/-104.0731

ü  Rocky Ford has been chosen as it is the most centrally located city between the cities in Crowley and Otero Counties.  Stay tuned for other testing dates and sites.

ü    Instructions

o   Drive North on Main Street.  As you get close to the Rocky Ford Public Safety Building, you will follow the route outlined with cones into the assigned fire station bay, on the right side of Main Street.

o   Do not attempt to enter the testing line by driving South on Main Street and cutting across traffic.

o   After your test, you will exit the testing line by turning right in the alley and then left onto Maple Avenue.

o   We ask that you refrain from drinking, eating, or smoking 20 minutes prior to testing.  Please do not have any pets in your car.

o   Please do not get out of your vehicle.  A staff member will assist you. 

o   While you are stopped in the testing line, make sure your vehicle’s transmission is in “Park”.

o   First come, first served.  Testing will end promptly at 3:00pm. 

b.      Tuesday, 12/29/2020

ü  Location:  Crowley County Fire/EMS, 9th Street and US Highway 71, Ordway

ü  Time:  1:00pm-3:00pm.

ü  Preregister here:  https://curative.com/search#9/37.9232/-104.0731

ü  Instructions

o   Driving East on 9th Street, enter the testing line by turning right at the Crowley County Fire/EMS Building.

o   Do not attempt to enter the testing line by driving West on 9th Street and cutting across traffic.

o   After your test, you will exit the testing line by turning onto 9th street.

o   We ask that you refrain from drinking, eating, or smoking 20 minutes prior to testing.  Please do not have any pets in your car.

o   Please do not get out of your vehicle.  A staff member will assist you. 

o   While you are stopped in the testing line, make sure your vehicle’s transmission is in “Park”.

o   First come, first served.  Testing will end promptly at 3:00pm. 

c.       Thursday, 12/31/2020

ü  Location:  Bent County Public Health, 701 S Park Ave, Las Animas

ü  Time:  1:00pm-3:00pm.

ü  Preregister here:  https://curative.com/search#9/37.9232/-104.0731

o   At the time of this writing, the pre-registration for Las Animas is not yet up.  Please check back later to pre-register. 

ü  Instructions

o   Follow the directions of the attendants and signs. 

o   We ask that you refrain from drinking, eating, or smoking 20 minutes prior to testing.  Please do not have any pets in your car.

o   Please do not get out of your vehicle.  A staff member will assist you. 

o   While you are stopped in the testing line, make sure your vehicle’s transmission is in “Park”.

o   First come, first served.  Testing will end promptly at 3:00pm. 

d.      A BIG thanks to our partners for providing testing sites:  Bent County Public Health, Crowley County Fire/EMS, and the City of Rocky Ford/Public Safety Building. 

  1. Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Vaccinations:  Tuesday (12/22/2020) afternoon we received our first doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, and the next day OCHD began the administration of vaccines per CDPHE phase guidance, which went very well.  This was a very limited initial allotment, but more will be coming, so stay tuned.  As OCHD is resupplied with vaccine, we will continue vaccination administration per CDPHE phase guidance.  For more information on Colorado’s COVID-19 vaccination phase approach, please go to the following website:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
  2. Winter Holiday Tips:  As we approach the winter holidays, it’s important to think about the best ways to keep our loved ones and communities safe during our celebrations. This year is an opportunity to reimagine what togetherness can look like. To help slow the alarming spread of COVID-19, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) advises Coloradans to only interact in-person with people from their household this holiday season. 

The top three most important things to remember during the holidays are: 

1.      Only interact in-person with people from your household (defined as those who normally live and sleep under the same roof). 

2.      Refrain from traveling. Celebrate virtually with the people who don’t live with you. 

3.      Avoid crowded stores. Shop for gifts online and have them delivered or pick them up curbside. Find local Colorado businesses to support via the #ShopLocalColorado campaign. Wear a mask and keep your distance whenever you do leave your home. 

Just because we keep physical distance doesn’t mean we have to be distant in other ways. There are many creative things you can do to make those closest to you feel loved while making sure they stay healthy for many more seasons to come. For more ideas about enjoying a safe holiday season, see holiday tips at https://covid19.colorado.gov/winter-holiday-tips.

  1. School Webpages:  Please visit these websites for school-specific information and updates regarding COVID-19:

a.       Cheraw:  https://www.cheraw.k12.co.us/

b.      Crowley County:  http://www.cck12.net/

c.       Fowler:  http://www.fowler.k12.co.us/

d.      La Junta:  https://www.lajuntaschools.org/

e.       Manzanola:  https://www.manzanola.k12.co.us/

f.       OJC:  https://www.ojc.edu/

g.      Rocky Ford:  https://www.rockyfordk12.org/

h.      Swink:  https://www.swinkk12.net/

  1. Vaccine Information:  Colorado-specific information on COVID-19 vaccine can be found on these websites:

a.        Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Website:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):  COVID-19 Vaccine frequently asked questions | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

c.       Vaccine for Coloradans:  Vaccine for Coloradans | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

  1. COVID-19 Tests

a.       Basic Information:  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has some good, general information on the different types of COVID-19 tests about which you may have heard.  To review this information, please go to the following website:  Coronavirus Disease 2019 Testing Basics (fda.gov)

b.      State Testing Sites:  Here is a website that details COVID-19 testing sites across the state of Colorado:  CDPHE Test Sites Portal (colorado.gov)

  1. Summaries

a.       CDPHE COVID-19 Data Webpage:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data

b.      Crowley County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Current Level:  Red (severe risk)

o   What are the level restrictions/guidelines:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wpq8MrsvtY0_jW07mWCLmVXtv4P_wFR2/view

ü  Total Cases:  1,604

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  106 cases added

§  These numbers include inmates and nursing home residents (please see Facility Outbreaks below).

ü  Non-Congregate Care Facility (does not include inmates and nursing home residents) Two-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population (calculated on 12/22/2020 for the period 12/7/20-12/20/20):  961.56

o   Change from last week’s update:  Decreased by 232.1

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  12

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  2

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility (AVCF)

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  10/29/2020

·         Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  891

·         Number of COVID-19 deaths (lab confirmed):  3

·         Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  54

o   Crowley County Correctional Facility (CCCF)

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  7/20/2020

·         Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  66

·         Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  4

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/2/2020

·         Number of prisoners positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  392

·         Number of COVID-19 deaths (lab confirmed):  1

o   Crowley County Nursing Center (CCNC)

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/25/2020

·         Number of residents positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  22

·         Number of COVID-19 deaths (lab confirmed):  1

·         Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  44

o   Important Note:  Facility outbreak numbers (i.e. prisoners and nursing home residents) are only updated by CDPHE once per week, on Wednesdays after 4:00pm.  Total case numbers, on the other hand, are updated daily by CDPHE.  This means that there could be facility cases reflected in the total case numbers that are not yet reflected in the facility numbers.  And remember, total case numbers are cumulative, meaning they include all cases since the outbreak began.  Yes, I know, it’s confusing.  I have color-coded it to hopefully make it a bit clearer.  Additionally, data is constantly moving and changing, and different websites/digital platforms take time to exchange and update their data, which does not make things any less confusing. 

c.       Otero County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Current Level:  Red (severe risk)

o   What are the level restrictions/guidelines:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wpq8MrsvtY0_jW07mWCLmVXtv4P_wFR2/view

ü  Total Cases:  1,551

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  124 cases added.

ü  Two-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population:  1,903.62

o   Change from last week’s update:  Decreased by 1,236.25

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  33

o   Change from last Friday’s update: 11

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Cottonwood Ridge Assisted Living

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/27/2020

·         Number of residents positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  18

·         Number of residents with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  1

·         Number of COVID-19 deaths (lab confirmed):  1

·         Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  10

o   Fowler Health Care

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/30/2020

·         Number of residents positive for COVID (lab confirmed): 35

·         Number of staff positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  37

o   Lewis Bolt and Nut

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  10/27/2020

·         Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  3

·         Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  11

o   Otero Junior College

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/2/2020

·         Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  27

o   Otero Junior College LEA

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/28/2020

·         Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  7

·         Number of attendees with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  8

o   Pioneer Healthcare Center

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  9/18/2020

·         Number of residents positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  20

·         Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  14

·         Number of COVID related deaths (lab confirmed):  5

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/4/2020

·         Number of residents positive for COVID (lab confirmed):  25

·          Number of COVID-19 deaths (lab confirmed):  1

·         Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  36

·         Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  1

o   Swink High School

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  10/19/2020

·         Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  1

·         Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  2

·         Number of attendees with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  5

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/16/2020

·         Number of staff who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  5

·         Number of staff with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  1

·         Number of attendees who are positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  4

·         Number of attendees with probable COVID-19 (NOT lab confirmed):  2

o   Valley Wide Health Systems

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  10/23/2020

·         Number of staff positive for COVID-19 (lab confirmed):  25

·         Number of staff with probable COVID19 (NOT lab confirmed):  1

o   Important Note:  Facility outbreak numbers (i.e. nursing home residents) are only updated by CDPHE once per week, on Wednesdays after 4:00pm.  Total case numbers, on the other hand, are updated daily by CDPHE.  This means that there could be facility cases reflected in the total case numbers that are not yet reflected in the facility numbers.  And remember, total case numbers are cumulative, meaning they include all cases since the outbreak began.  Yes, I know, it’s confusing.  I have color-coded it to hopefully make it a bit clearer.  Additionally, data is constantly moving and changing, and different websites/digital platforms take time to exchange and update their data, which does not make things any less confusing. 

d.      Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Related Hospitalization(s):  8 new hospitalizations since last Friday’s update.

e.       State of Colorado (numbers are cumulative) (https://covid19.colorado.gov/data)

ü  319,530 cases

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  19,116 cases added

ü  17,793 hospitalized

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  1,089 hospitalizations added

ü  64 counties

o   No change as this is the total number of counties in Colorado

ü   2,083,547 people tested

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  85,071 additional tests

ü  3,605 deaths due to COVID-19

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  284 deaths added

ü  2,953 outbreaks (view outbreak data:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/outbreak-data)

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  186 outbreaks added

ü  COVID-19 Dial Dashboard:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial/covid-19-dial-dashboard

f.       United States (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Total Cases: 18,391,571

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  1,634,990 cases added

ü  Total Deaths:  325,096

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  18,669 deaths added

ü  Data Source:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

o   Website:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html 

g.      Global (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Confirmed Cases:  78,194,947

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  4,919,004 cases added

ü  Deaths:  1,736,752

o   Change from last Friday’s update:   86,404 deaths added                 

ü  Data Source:  Who Health Organization (WHO)

o   Website:  https://covid19.who.int/

  1. What can you do RIGHT NOW?

ü  Read, understand, and comply with public health orders!  Public health orders can be found here:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/prepare-protect-yourself/prevent-the-spread/public-health-executive-orders

ü  Prevent the spread of COVID-19: https://covid19.colorado.gov/prevention 

ü  Limit workplace violence:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/business-employers/limit-workplace-violence.html

ü  Use COVID-19 informational graphics:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/for-lphas-health-care-providers/communication-resources/social-media-graphics

ü  Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.

ü  Wear an appropriate mask if you must go out for an essential activity.

ü  If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions.

ü  Cover your cough and/or sneeze.

ü  Keep your fingers and hands away from your face.

ü  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

ü  Stay informed by trusted and reliable sources.  Be careful about believing what you read on social media sites.  Trusted sources/websites:

o   Otero County Health Department (OCHD):  https://www.oterogov.com

o   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):  https://www.cdc.gov

o   Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE):  https://covid19.colorado.gov/

ü  Do these things so you will be prepared, and not scared.

ü  And remember, “This too shall pass.”

It’s up to us.

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


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