Otero/Crowley County Health Department Covid Update Jan 8th, 2021

Description: Otero/Crowley County Health Department Covid Update Jan 8th, 2021.

Published: 01/08/2021
Byline: Hart


The situations, numbers, website links, data, and etc. described below were current as of Friday 1/8/2021 at 1:40 pm.


1/8/2021 Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Update #1:  Weekly Update

Please take the time to read and understand this entire message.

Internet links:  Before I send out each update, I check the links to make sure they are active.  However, links do change from time to time, so the links I sent out today may not be the same tomorrow.  You may have to search around a bit.

Hello to all, here are this week’s COVID-19 updates:

1.      1/6/2021 COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic Report:  Last week, on Wednesday, 12/30/2020 the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) modified vaccination Phase 1B to include, among others, individuals aged 70 and above.  In order to accommodate the aforementioned age group, on Wednesday, 1/6/2021 OCHD and our partners held a COVID-19 drive through vaccination clinic at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds in Rocky Ford for Crowley and Otero County residents.  Since vaccine is in such short supply, OCHD is strategically allocating vaccine for current members of Phase 1A & 1B.  Not exactly knowing what response to expect, we had allocated 150 doses for this clinic.  It was reported that cars had begun arriving and forming a line on 8th street at approximately 5:00am.  When I went out to check the line at approximately 8:15am, the line had grown from the 8th Street entrance to Park Avenue.  From this point, the line just kept getting longer and longer.  Eventually, the line extended all the way to Highway 266.  I have attached a Google Map that shows the line and approximately where it ended.  We did not open the gates and start the clinic early (the gates were opened at 1:00pm as advertised), however we began screening for eligibility and passing out forms while the cars waited in line.  This greatly facilitated clinic movement after the gates opened at 1:00pm.  It became very clear that the demand would far outweigh the supply. Yes, we needed more vaccine, and so we started making phone calls.  The Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center (AVRMC) and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) came through for us!  AVRMC transferred 50 doses to this clinic, and CDPHE agreed to quickly replenish our previously allocated doses (the resupply arrived yesterday), so that we were able to vaccinate approximately 350 people at this clinic!  We counted the number of vaccinees in cars  multiple times, and compared it to remaining vaccine stock.  Because of this, I am very pleased to report that everyone who made it in front of the Sheriff’s car with flashing lights (representing the end of the line) received a vaccination, and that no vaccine was left nor any wasted! 

A sincere thanks to the vaccinees (those that were vaccinated, clinic participants), for your kindness, patience, self-control, calm, and understanding.  Additionally we very much appreciate your kind, encouraging words.  Amy Tanabe, Otero County Administrator, was directing cars into the forms station.  She shared this with me via email after the clinic:  “I was able to speak to every car as they waited to get into the paperwork lines.   I witnessed joy, sighs of relief, even tears from stress relief.  A handful of comments:  “This is amazing!”; “I’ve never seen anything so organized”; “This is the first time I’ve left my home since this started, soon I’ll be free”.  

The number one comment that was on repeat . . . . “THANK YOU, tell THEM Thank you!” 

Once again, thank you clinic participants!!!

We had a total of 64 people that served the 350 that were vaccinated.  A HUGE thanks and shout out to the staff, volunteers, and the following agencies for helping make this happen:  OCHD staff, City of Rocky Ford, Rocky Ford Police Department, Rocky Ford Fire/EMS Department, Otero County Sheriff’s Office, Otero County Commissioners Office, Med Trans Ambulance, Otero County Emergency Management, Swink School, Southeast Health Group, CDPHE, and AVRMC.  If I have failed to mention an organization, it was not deliberate, and my apologies.  A list of our staff and volunteers can be found on attachment 2.  Now, for the pop culture question of the day:  As is clearly evidenced by the appearance of the document, I had to use the “Michael Gary Scott” method of copy/paste on this attachment (not digital, scissors and tape).  Question, to what popular sitcom does this refer, and to what episode?  The first to respond correctly gets mad respect! 

In 1988 the Institute Of Medicine identified the 10 Essential Public Health Services.  One of those 10 essential services is developing and sustaining partnerships.  This is for very good reason, because governmental public health could not do its job without our many and varied partners, and that was clearly evident at this clinic. 

Now, some very important things to remember if you have received a vaccination at this clinic or previously:

ü  When you return for your booster vaccination, please remember to bring your COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card.

ü  You are not instantly immune, it takes time for your body to develop immunity.  A “good rule of thumb” is to plan on 2 weeks for immunity to develop. 

ü  You are still subject to current public health orders (i.e. wearing masks, socially distancing, etc.).

ü  The pandemic is not over, keep taking appropriate precautions for yourself and others. 

  1. Current OCHD Vaccination Plans:  The day after OCHD received its first, very small amount of COVID-19 vaccine we began vaccine administration to members of Phase 1A.  Since then, OCHD has continued to visit organizations, businesses, agencies, etc. that are listed in Phases 1A & 1B for vaccine administration.  We now would like applicable (i.e., only those that are included in Phase 1A & 1B) Crowley/Otero County businesses/departments/agencies/organizations to call us and request scheduling COVID-19 vaccine administration.  Here is how you do that:
    1. First, look at the COVID-19 vaccine distribution phase guidance:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

§ Look at the organizations, agencies, and businesses listed in Phase 1A and 1B

    1. If your organization, agency, department, etc. is listed in Phase 1A or Phase 1B, and you have not yet received COVID-19 vaccinations, please do the following:

§ Call Kendra Taylor at 719-383-3048.  If she does not answer, leave a short message if that includes your name, phone number, and the statement “this is regarding scheduling for Phase 1A & 1B”. 

§ When you talk to Kendra, she will need your name, mobile phone number, email address, name of your department/business/organization/agency, and what category in Phase 1A or Phase 1B best describes your business/organization/department/agency.

Please remember these key points: 

§  This is for Crowley/Otero Phase 1A & 1B businesses, organizations, agencies, departments.

§  The currently listed timeframe (subject to change) for Phase 1A and 1B is winter, and we still have many weeks of winter remaining. 

§  OCHD is trying to target a limited vaccine supply as strategically as possible.

§  Vaccine administration is contingent upon vaccine availability.

§  Schools and OJC:  You do not need to respond to Kendra Taylor as described above.  Our Regional School Liaison, Aaron Olivieri, is/will be engaging you directly on this matter.

Yes, OCHD is planning other mass vaccination clinics.  In fact, yesterday and today we have been discussing the location and logistics of another mass clinic.  Stay tuned for more information.  

  1. Free COVID-19 Community Testing Schedule:  Due to staffing issues, OCHD will not be performing community testing next week.  If you need COVID-19 testing next week, please contact your healthcare provider.  We will continue community testing as soon as possible. 
  2. School Webpages:  Please visit these websites for school-specific information and updates regarding COVID-19:

a.       Cheraw:  https://www.cheraw.k12.co.us/

b.      Crowley County:  http://www.cck12.net/

c.       Fowler:  http://www.fowler.k12.co.us/

d.      La Junta:  https://www.lajuntaschools.org/

e.       Manzanola:  https://www.manzanola.k12.co.us/

f.       OJC:  https://www.ojc.edu/

g.      Rocky Ford:  https://www.rockyfordk12.org/    (I was having trouble bringing up this site this morning)

h.      Swink:  https://www.swinkk12.net/

  1. Vaccine Information:  Colorado-specific information on COVID-19 vaccine can be found on these websites:

a.       Colorado COVID-19 Vaccine Website:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):  COVID-19 Vaccine frequently asked questions | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

c.       Vaccine for Coloradans:  Vaccine for Coloradans | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

d.      Colorado Vaccine Dashboard:  COVID-19 vaccine | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

  1. COVID-19 Tests

a.       Basic Information:  The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has some good, general information on the different types of COVID-19 tests about which you may have heard.  To review this information, please go to the following website:  Coronavirus Disease 2019 Testing Basics (fda.gov)

b.      State Testing Sites:  Here is a website that details COVID-19 testing sites across the state of Colorado:  CDPHE Test Sites Portal (colorado.gov)

  1. Summaries

a.       CDPHE COVID-19 Data Webpage:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data

b.      Crowley County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Current Level:  Orange (High risk)

o   Special note on levels:  12/30/2020 CDPHE released the following information:  “the governor announced that he is directing CDPHE to move all counties in the Red level on the Dial to the Orange level, effective on Monday, January 4. He is making this move in response to a 13 day downward trend in cases statewide, and a plea from counties that are suffering economically.” 

o   What are the level restrictions/guidelines:  COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Total Cases:  1,667 

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  20 cases added

§  These numbers include inmates and nursing home residents (please see Facility Outbreaks below).

ü  Non-Congregate Care Facility (does not include inmates and nursing home residents) Two-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population (for the period 12/23/20-1/5/21):  331.57

o   Change from last week’s update:  Decreased by  149.21                                          

o   Special note:  On Monday, 1/4/2021 Governor Polis directed CDPHE to move all counties in the Red level on the Dial to the Orange level.  On this date, Crowley County was actually still in Level Red with a community rate per 100,000 population of 397.89.  The next day, 1/5/2021, Crowley County literally moved into Level Orange with a rate of 331.57, which is good news!  Crowley County continues to see its epi curve trend downward from a peak rate of  961.56 recorded on 12/15/2020. 

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  12

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  0

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Arkansas Valley Correctional Facility (AVCF)

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  10/29/2020

·         Total inmate cases:  946

·         Total staff cases:  54

·         Total inmate deaths:  3

o   Crowley County Correctional Facility (CCCF)

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  5/2/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  7/20/2020

·         Total inmate cases:  66

·         Total staff cases:  4

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/2/2020

·         Total inmate cases:  442

·         Total inmate deaths:  1

o   Crowley County Nursing Center (CCNC)

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/25/2020

·         Total resident cases:  22

·         Total staff cases:  44

·         Total resident deaths:  1

o   Important Note:  Facility outbreak numbers (i.e. prisoners and nursing home residents) are only updated by CDPHE once per week, on Wednesdays after 4:00pm.  Total case numbers, on the other hand, are updated daily by CDPHE.  This means that there could be facility cases reflected in the total case numbers that are not yet reflected in the facility numbers.  And remember, total case numbers are cumulative, meaning they include all cases since the outbreak began.  Yes, I know, it’s confusing.  I have color-coded it to hopefully make it a bit clearer.  Additionally, data is constantly moving and changing, and different websites/digital platforms take time to exchange and update their data, which does not make things any less confusing. 

c.       Otero County (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Current Level:  Orange (High risk)

o   Special note on levels:  12/30/2020 CDPHE released the following information:  “the governor announced that he is directing CDPHE to move all counties in the Red level on the Dial to the Orange level, effective on Monday, January 4. He is making this move in response to a 13 day downward trend in cases statewide, and a plea from counties that are suffering economically.” 

o   What are the level restrictions/guidelines:  COVID-19 dial dashboard | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

ü  Total Cases:  1,701

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  82 cases added.

ü  Two-Week Cumulative Incidence Rate per 100,000 Population:  705.65 

o   Change from last week’s update:  Decreased by 185.95

ü  Total COVID Related Deaths:  51

o   Change from last Friday’s update: 12

ü  Facility Outbreaks

o   Cottonwood Ridge Assisted Living

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/27/2020

·         Total resident cases:  19

·         Total staff cases:  10

·         Total resident deaths:  1

o   Fowler Health Care

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/30/2020

·         Total resident cases:  37

·         Total staff cases:  41

o   Lewis Bolt and Nut

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  7/2/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  10/27/2020

·         Total staff cases:  14

o   Otero Junior College

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/2/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  12/29/2020

·         Total attendee cases:  24

o   Otero Junior College LEA

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/28/2020

·         Total attendee cases:  15

o   Pioneer Healthcare Center

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  7/13/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  9/18/2020

·         Total resident cases:  20

·         Total staff cases:  14

·         Total resident deaths:  5

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  12/4/2020

·         Total resident cases:  28

·         Total staff cases:  37

·         Total resident deaths:  1

o   Swink High School

§  Status:  Resolved

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  9/14/2020

·         Date outbreak was considered closed:  10/19/2020

·         Total staff cases:  1

·         Total attendee cases:  7

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  11/16/2020

·         Total staff cases:  6

·         Total attendee cases:  6

o   Valley Wide Health Systems

§  Status:  Active

·         Date illnesses were determined to be an outbreak:  10/23/2020

·         Total staff cases:  26

o   Important Note:  Facility outbreak numbers (i.e. nursing home residents) are only updated by CDPHE once per week, on Wednesdays after 4:00pm.  Total case numbers, on the other hand, are updated daily by CDPHE.  This means that there could be facility cases reflected in the total case numbers that are not yet reflected in the facility numbers.  And remember, total case numbers are cumulative, meaning they include all cases since the outbreak began.  Yes, I know, it’s confusing.  I have color-coded it to hopefully make it a bit clearer.  Additionally, data is constantly moving and changing, and different websites/digital platforms take time to exchange and update their data, which does not make things any less confusing. 

d.      Crowley/Otero COVID-19 Related Hospitalization(s):  6 new hospitalizations since last Friday’s update.

e.       State of Colorado (numbers are cumulative) (https://covid19.colorado.gov/data)

ü  352,923 cases

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  18,826 cases added

ü  19,734 hospitalized

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  1,136 hospitalizations added

ü  64 counties

o   No change as this is the total number of counties in Colorado

ü   2,207,688 people tested

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  72,098 additional tests

ü  4,107 deaths due to COVID-19

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  200 deaths added

ü  3,156 outbreaks (view outbreak data:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/outbreak-data)

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  117 outbreaks added

ü  COVID-19 Dial Dashboard:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/data/covid-19-dial/covid-19-dial-dashboard

f.       United States (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Total Cases:  21,259,997

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  1,596,021 cases added

ü  Total Deaths:  359,849

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  18,650 deaths added

ü  Data Source:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

o   Website:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html 

g.      Global (numbers are cumulative)

ü  Confirmed Cases:  86,749,940

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  4,802,437 cases added

ü  Deaths:1,890,342

o   Change from last Friday’s update:  82,301 deaths added                 

ü  Data Source:  Who Health Organization (WHO)

o   Website:  https://covid19.who.int/

  1. What can you do RIGHT NOW?

ü  Read, understand, and comply with public health orders!  Public health orders can be found here:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/prepare-protect-yourself/prevent-the-spread/public-health-executive-orders

ü  Prevent the spread of COVID-19: https://covid19.colorado.gov/prevention 

ü  Limit workplace violence:  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/business-employers/limit-workplace-violence.html

ü  Use COVID-19 informational graphics:  https://covid19.colorado.gov/for-lphas-health-care-providers/communication-resources/social-media-graphics

ü  Stay home if you are sick and, if needed, call your medical provider.

ü  Wear an appropriate mask if you must go out for an essential activity.

ü  If you are in a high risk group, take extra precautions.

a.       CDPHE:  People at higher risk for severe illness | Colorado COVID-19 Updates

b.      CDC:  Do I need to Take Extra Precautions Against COVID-19 | CDC

ü  Cover your cough and/or sneeze.

ü  Keep your fingers and hands away from your face.

ü  Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.

ü  Stay informed by trusted and reliable sources.  Be careful about believing what you read on social media sites.  Trusted sources/websites:

o   Otero County Health Department (OCHD):  https://www.oterogov.com

o   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):  https://www.cdc.gov

o   Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE):  https://covid19.colorado.gov/

ü  Do these things so you will be prepared, and not scared.

ü  And remember, “This too shall pass.”

It’s up to us.

Richard Ritter, Executive Director

Otero County Health Department

13 West 3rd Street, Room 111

La Junta, Colorado 81050

719-383-3045 (Office)

719-383-3060 (Fax)


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