Blue Lake is a Great Family Destination for Quality Outdoors Time

Description: Blue Lake on a late May afternoon was a great place to get outdoors. The water was low, but not yet split into two lakes as it does most years.
Blue Lake offers boat access and many roads are in suitable condition. However, I would recommend avoiding the trip if it is muddy. I have not so fond childhood memories of being stuck here on a fishing trip with my father.
A local flock of seagulls already held residency on the shoreline. As we traveled further from our packed pic nic the seagulls crept closer.
...and closer
The Seagulls patrolled camp and made quite the pests of themselves. They also caught the wind and light and presented for many photo opportunities.
Although these hollow-boned birds were light on the feather, they appeared thick around the midsection from successfully begging scraps. We had great fun tossing popcorn and watching them fight midair.
For time interacting with wildlife like desensitized seagulls, Blue Lake is a great location. Easy access for boats, when the water is high enough, and lots of public shoreline access for fishing make it perfect for a daytrip.
Sometimes the sky is more blue than the water, but there are seldom crowds. No matter where you live in the valley there's a lake close by. Blue Lake is great for close Southeast Colorado fishing trips. Just another great reason to live here.
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