Otero College to Host a Strategic Planning Community Open Forum March 23rd

Description: A community open forum for strategic planning will take place on Wednesday, March 23 at 6 p.m. in the Humanities Center, Room 112 for those who wish to share their input on the future of Otero College. A virtual option will also be made available.

Otero College to Host a Strategic Planning Community Open Forum March 23rd
LA JUNTA — In February, Otero College began developing a new five-year strategic plan. There have been meetings with focus groups and round-table discussions were held among the various campus departments, the Otero Advisory Council, the Otero Foundation Board, alumni, and current students. This planning process is taking place to help set goals for the institution as well as develop the plans to achieve those goals. The components of our strategic plan will focus on vision, mission, values, goals, strategies, and key performance indicators.
The Strategic Planning Committee has been posting two-question surveys entitled “Twofer Tuesdays” that all are invited to participate in. Every Tuesday through the end of the planning timeline, survey questions will be sent out to employees and the survey link will be posted on the Otero website. Community members are encouraged to participate.
The planning committee would appreciate feedback from our communities of interest; therefore, an open forum will take place on Wednesday, March 23 at 6 p.m. in the Humanities Center, Room 112. There will be signs posted to help find the room at both main entrances of the building. The forum is scheduled to conclude within two hours. A virtual option will be made available if you are unable to attend, however, in-person participation is encouraged to facilitate conversation. If you plan to attend, please fill out this three question JotForm no later than Tuesday, March 22 at 5 p.m. to RSVP and/or request the virtual link: https://form.jotform.com/
Upon reviewing feedback from the round-table discussions and weekly surveys, the Strategic Planning Committee will draft a plan for campus and community review. The final draft should be complete by mid-April and submitted to the Otero Advisory Council. Pending their approval, a presentation to the campus community will be held by the end of April 2022. The plan will also be posted on the website.
To find out more about Otero’s strategic planning process, or to participate in the survey questions, please visit: https://www.otero.edu/catalog/
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