Rocky Ford Fire Department VS Structure Fire

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Rocky Ford Fire Department VS Structure Fire
RFFD Released the following on their social media:
"At approximately 11:40pm last night (4/6/22) we were paged to 207 North 5th Street for a reported structure fire. Upon arrival there was significant smoke billowing out the eves, and shortly after flames started pushing out the southeast roof portion of the residence. We requested mutual aid from Manzanola, and La Junta.
Fire was extinguished at 12:05 am and ventilation operations began to ventilate smoke from residence.
No injuries reported and a parrot and turtle were rescued from the residence. Cause of fire determined to be degradated faulty electrical wiring shorted out and arcing in the attic space.
All units cleared scene at 1:00 am. A huge thank you to our neighboring agencies that assisted us with this fire!"
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