Hasty-McClave Fire Protection District Assists in Multicar Pileup 4/29/22

Description: The Hasty-McClave Fire Protection District released the following on their social media. (Courtesy Photos)

Hasty-McClave Fire Protection District Assists in Multicar Pileup
"At approximately 4:30pm on April 29th, 2022, Hasty/McClave Voluneer Fire and Ambulance was requested by CSP, to assist with a multi vehicle accident on Hwy 50, mp 433, west of Lamar. Hwy 50 was closed and rerouted, while local agencies performed extraction."
"7 vehicles were involved in the accident, which required 3 patients to be transported to a local hospital, and one transported to Pueblo. Approximately 7:00pm, Hwy 50 was back open."
"Hwy 50 closed mp 427, west of Lamar. Multiple vehicle crash. Brown out conditions." (Photo Courtesy of Colorado State Patrol Lamar/La Junta Social Media)
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