Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center CEO Lynn Crowell Retires After 24 Years in La Junta

Description: AVRMC CEO Retires after over 24 years of service to the Southeast Colorado Community... (Press Release 6/30/22)

Pictured at the AVRMC Board’s May 31, 2022, recognition of retiring AVRMC C.E.O. Lynn Crowell are AVRMC Board members and others. (L-R) Back Row: Gary Gibson, Board Member; Pat Malott, Board Member; Bob Blair, former AVRMC Board Chairman; Betty Velasquez, Board Member; Judy McClain, Interim CFO; Dale Leighty, Board Chairman; Mike Morley, D.O., Board and Medical Staff Member; Joe Pentlicki, D.M., Board Secretary-Treasurer; Elaine McIntyre, Board Member; Joel Carale, M.D., Board and Medical Staff Member; Jorge Aguilar, M.D., Chief of AVRMC Medical Staff. Front Row: Jan Blair, former AVRMC Auxiliary Chairperson and former AVRMC Gift Shop Manager; Gloria Thomas, Administrative Assistant to CEO; Ailinda Crowell, wife of Lynn Crowell; Lynn Crowell, Retiring Chief Executive Officer; and Brent Crowell, son of Lynn Crowell.
La Junta - After a healthcare career spanning more than 45 years which began as a Microbiologist in the Laboratory of Humana Hospital Winn Parish in Winnfield, Louisiana, AVRMC Chief Executive Officer Lynn Crowell will officially retire from Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center on June 30, 2022, where he has served as C.E.O. since May 21, 1998.
Crowell was recognized by the AVRMC Board of Directors for his service to AVRMC at a joint dinner with City of La Junta officials, the AVRMC Board, his wife Ailinda and son Brent, and former Board Chairman Bob Blair and AVRMC Auxiliary Chairperson/Gift Shop Manager Jan Blair on May 31, 2022. Additionally, a reception with AVRMC staff honoring Crowell will be held on June 30 at the Medical Center.
Crowell was recruited to AVRMC as the first C.E.O. of the newly formed corporation, Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center. Some of Crowell’s major accomplishments during his 24+ years at AVRMC include:
*Recruitment of twenty-four physicians in various specialties including Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Radiology, Obstetrics, Gastroenterology, Pulmonary Care, Orthopedics, and General Surgery. This does not include the numerous Emergency Room Physicians he has recruited to serve our community seven of whom AVRMC is currently contracted with. Additionally, he has recruited six mid-level providers, four of whom continue to practice here.
*$41 million in construction and/or capital equipment including the completion of the addition to the hospital; a new Central Plant; new meeting rooms; renovation of the hospital’s first, second, and third floors including the patient rooms and hallways; newborn nursery; new Intensive Care Unit and Pharmacy; new Gift Shop; and renovated Cafeteria. During Crowell’s tenure, AVRMC has moved from a mobile MRI to an on-site MRI and state-of-the-art equipment throughout the facility including the Radiology and Laboratory Departments. He also secured the V.A. contract for their Clinics here.
*The bonds for the new construction were fully paid and retired, leaving AVRMC debt free.
*Conversion from a prospective payment system hospital to a critical access hospital in October 2016.
*Successful outcomes on the ten continuous hospital Joint Commission surveys and 13 Laboratory Joint Commission surveys conducted during his tenure.
*Addition of AVRMC’s own Physicians’ Clinics where ten providers offer healthcare services to our community including the newest Physician’s Clinic in Rocky Ford with a full-time Family Practice physician and the recent expansion of the La Junta Walk-In Clinic to include wound care.
*Addition of new services including EEG’s and gastroenterology and the resumption of orthopedics.
*Moving AVRMC from paper timesheets to an electronic timekeeping system, from shelves of policy notebooks to an electronic policy site, from a paper employee evaluation process to electronic employee evaluations, and from using paper at Board meetings to digital Board meetings.
Crowell and his wife Ailinda, who retired from teaching in the Swink Elementary School system, plan to relocate to Louisiana to be near their parents.
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