Fine Arts League Announces Judge for Early Settlers Day Art Show

Description: Juror Terri Sanchez, professional artist from Colorado Springs will be the judge for this year’s Fine Art League Early Settlers Day Art Show. She is the artist behind

Fine Arts League Announces Judge for Early Settlers Day Art Show
La Junta: The Fine Arts League of La Junta is pleased to announce Ms. Terri Sanchez as this year’s Juror for its annual Early Settlers Day Art Show at the Koshare Museum. Sanchez is the professional artist for Terri Sanchez Fine Art and her work is available through several galleries in Colorado.
Sanchez specializes in landscape paintings. “Stepping into the forest has a way of making you feel right at home, and it eases your mind & awakens your senses. You know the minute you start hiking; you are in for a wonderful treat that day wherever you are.” said Sanchez, “There’s an awareness when you step into that realm of nature that places your mind, heart and body in a state of bliss and provides mental clarity as well as healing of the soul.” The benefits are welcoming, and more exciting this has provided Sanchez the creative gateway and energy necessary for her to create beautiful paintings from nature that welcome her viewer to the magic of the forest.
Sanchez’s deep roots in Colorado have provided the inspiration and opportunity necessary to connect with the landscape on a deeper level of appreciation and gratitude. Terri has spent most of her art journey painting on location in plein air in vast terrains and changing seasons.
“Painting in different changing weather conditions and exposure to wildlife are a challenging part of the plein air process,” said Sanchez, “however, this self-discipline of direct painting will make you a better painter overall and especially when judging color, light and value & design. Plein air can also be very beneficial when painting from reference photos in the studio for larger pieces and commissions.”
Her paintings have evolved over the last 20-year span of oil painting, but one thing seems to be constant is that her paintings always include an ethereal, sensitive quality and most always include light and drama. The intensity of color can add more emotion to a painting too and sometimes a painting can evoke a feeling or a memory of a place a person has visited with a cherished family member.
“The emotional quality of the work is what is most important here and how that translates onto the canvas,” said Sanchez, “my ultimate goal as a painter is for the viewer to connect with the painting on some emotional level.”
Art Categories for this year’s show include Oils, Acrylics, Watercolors, Pastels, Graphics, Photography (color and B&W), Altered Photography, Mixed Media, and 3-D Arts. 3-D arts will include jewelry, fiber arts, potters, sculpture, and miscellaneous medias.
Entries will be brought to The Koshare Museum, 115 W. 18th St. in La Junta on Thursday, September 8 between 12 noon and 6pm. No mailed artwork or slides will be accepted. Arrangements may be made with other artists to deliver artwork if the artwork is accompanied by a completed entry form and proper payment of fees.
Judging of the show will be done on Friday, September 9. Show open to the public on Saturday Sept. 10 from 12noon to 3pm and Sunday Sept. 11 from 12noon to 4pm. The awards ceremony and public reception will be held Sun. Sept 11 at 3pm. Art Show exhibit admission is free and everyone is invited to attend.
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