Clean Valley Recycling America Recycles Day Challenge

Description: Free Popcorn and Curbside Service Enrollment for America Recycles Day at Clean Valley Recycling. Nov. 12, 2022 - 9am - Noon at the Rocky Ford Location. Nov. 16, 2022 - 9am - 4pm at the Swink Location.

Published: 10/30/2022
Byline: SECO News

Clean Valley Recycling America Recycles Day Challenge

Help Colorado reach it's recycling goals - Call (719) 468-0254 to find out how you can start Today!

Colorado's recycling rate is only 15%. The national average recycling rate is 35%.

Colorado's statewide recycling rate goal is 28% by 2026 and 45% by 2036.

Colorado Dept. of Public Health and Environment found that an estimated $267 million worth of recyclable material is being sent to landfills each year.

With landfill fees increasing, now is a good time to start recycling.

Curbside recycling is available in Rocky Ford, Swink, and La Junta.


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