US 50 Drainage Improvement Project East of Swink Begins Mid-November

Description: The project will enhance traffic safety by improving the drainage along and under US 50. The extra flow capacity created by this project will help reduce the risk of flooding in the area and will also be proactive in preventing the road surface from failing due to deterioration of existing drainage structures.

Published: 11/03/2023
Byline: SECO News

US 50 Drainage Improvement Project East of Swink Begins Mid-November

New concrete box culvert will be installed to improve drainage

Otero County— The Colorado Department of Transportation and its contracting partner, Habitat Construction, LLC, will begin improvements to US Highway 50 on Nov. 15. Improvements will start on the east side of Swink and will continue east for approximately one mile. The anticipated completion date of the project is mid-March 2024.

Work will primarily consist of replacing an old, corrugated metal culvert pipe under US 50 with a higher flow capacity concrete box culvert. Throughout the duration of the project, motorists will encounter lane shifts with two-way traffic occurring on either the northbound lanes or southbound lanes. Work activity will take place in the opposite lanes of travel. Travelers are urged to use caution and slow down through the work zone.
The project will enhance traffic safety by improving the drainage along and under US 50. The extra flow capacity created by this project will help reduce the risk of flooding in the area and will also be proactive in preventing the road surface from failing due to deterioration of existing drainage structures.

Traffic Impacts 

Beginning November 15th, motorists will encounter road work on US 50 in both directions just east of Swink.

  • Daytime work hours range from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. 
  • Traffic will be detoured to keep one lane of traffic open. 
  • The speed limit will be reduced to 45 mph through the work zone. 
  • The project is expected to last through mid-March 2024.

Project Information 

For additional information about this project:

Know Before You Go

Travelers are urged to “know before you go.” Gather information about weather forecasts and anticipated travel impacts and current road conditions prior to hitting the road. CDOT resources include:

Remember: Slow For The Cone Zone

The following tips are to help you stay safe while traveling through maintenance and construction work zones.

  • Do not speed in work zones. Obey the posted speed limits.
  • Stay Alert! Expect the unexpected.
  • Watch for workers. Drive with caution.
  • Don't change lanes unnecessarily.
  • Avoid using mobile devices such as phones while driving in work zones.
  • Turn on headlights so that workers and other drivers can see you.
  • Be especially alert at night while driving in work zones.
  • Expect delays, especially during peak travel times.
  • Allow ample space between you and the car in front of you.
  • Anticipate lane shifts and merge when directed to do so.
  • Be patient

Download the COtrip App!

The new FREE COtrip Planner mobile app was designed to meet the growing trend of information on mobile and tablet devices for the traveling public. The COtrip Planner app provides statewide, real-time traffic information, and works on mobile devices that operate on the iOS and Android platforms. Visit the Google Play Store (Android devices) or the Apple Store (iOS devices) to download

About CDOT

The Colorado Department of Transportation’s mission is to provide the best multi-modal transportation system that most effectively and safely moves people, goods and information. CDOT maintains more than 23,000 lane miles of highway, more than 3,400 bridges and 35 mountain passes. Our team of employees works tirelessly to reduce the rate and severity of crashes and improve the safety of all modes of transportation. CDOT leverages partnerships with a range of private and public organizations and operates Bustang, an interregional express bus service. Find more details at

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