Tri-County Family Care Center FREE Car Seat Safety Check April 6, 2024

Description: Tri-County Family Care Center is Hosting a Free car seat safety check in Rocky Ford on April 6, 2024...

Free Car Seat Safety Check in Rocky Ford April 6th
Every day in Colorado, parents and caregivers travel with children in their vehicles.
While some children are buckled in properly, many are not, if they are buckled up at all! Car crashes are a leading cause of death in children under 13, but many of these tragedies can be prevented. Every 32 seconds, a child is involved in a car crash. This is exactly why parents need to be extra vigilant when it comes to car seat safety and protecting their children.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 59% of car seats are not used correctly, putting millions of children at severe risk of injury or death. It is important to be aware of child passenger safety laws and how to properly use car seats, booster seats and seat belts.
Factors contributing to improperly restrained children include: an incorrectly installed car seat, use of a car seat that does not fit the child based on their size and development, not properly securing the harness or seat belt, and moving a child out of a booster seat too soon. In addition, parents may move their children to the front seat before they should, which increases the risk of injury and death, even if that child is buckled up!
A car seat safety check will be available at the Rocky Ford Fire Dept. on the corner of Main and Maple Street, Saturday, April 6 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. This event is FREE!
Sponsors are the Rocky Ford Fire Dept., Tri-County Family Care Center and Colorado State Patrol. Call 719-254-7776 for more information. Come get your child’s car seat checked!
Tri-County Family Care Center, Inc.
512 ½ N. Main Street
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Ph: 719-254-7776 Fax: 719-254-7778
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