Rocky Ford Police Chief Announces Resignation

Description: Rocky Ford Police Chief Sean McDonagh Announced his Resignation Effective July 10, 2024... The Following is his Letter to the Community...

Rocky Ford Police Chief Announces Resignation
Yes, I have resigned. All I’m going to say about my decision to depart is that the direction that some of its officials have been going in, doesn’t fit my well versed and functioning vision for the department/city. It no longer fits with my values and anyone that knows me, knows that I’m a straight shooter.
I absolutely loved working in Rocky Ford and worked with amazing people within the community. There’ll always be the negative narrative from a select few and they’re always the ones that have interaction they don’t agree with, and that’s ok.
We can’t please them all, however, desperately needed public safety improvements for Rocky Ford and rebuilding the agency from the ground up, was my main objective. That involved a few people who don’t wish to comply with public safety standards and/or who don’t abide by the laws of the state, disliking their interaction with police. I won’t apologize for doing what needed doing and taking a hard line on it.
I’m leaving the agency fully staffed, after starting with 3 officers a year ago. We have a waiting list for people to join the agency, the only agency in the valley (and probably the majority of the State) that can boast that and we have the recently won $300+k grant that will fund two more positions for supervisors.
I’ve offered to assist the city in the hiring process, as I have worked hard (100 hours a week) to rebuild this place and would like to see that work and improvement continue. There’s a lot more work to be done and it needs someone that won’t bend to politics, with a “can do” attitude, to keep on keeping on. Rocky Ford and it’s community are worth all that work and more.
I’ve urged our amazing officers to keep doing what they’re already doing, as they are truly invested in the change in Rocky Ford, making it a safe community for all. They’ve truly made such a difference already and they too know that more work needs be done. They’re up for the continuing challenge.
Thanks again to the VERY vast majority of our community for their support, to make the required changes here in this city. None of it could have happened, or been possible, without the local community helping us. It takes a village.
Please give our new city manager, Stacey Milenski, every bit of support that you can, as she has a tough task ahead and she is working hard to do what is right. She has my full support, even after I depart. I’m just a call away and will do whatever I can to help.
July 10th is my last day. 10am at the Rocky “Coffea Shop” if you’d like to catch up with me before I depart. If you’re part of the solution here in Rocky Ford, I thank you and would love to see you before I leave.
Chief McDonagh
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