Springfield Police Respond to Two-Vehicle Crash; At-Fault Driver Facing Serious Charges

Description: The Springfield Police Department Released the Following Incident Report and Reminds Motorists to Insure Your Vehicles...

Springfield Police Respond to Two-Vehicle Crash; At-Fault Driver Facing Serious Charges
Today, the Springfield Police Department responded to a report of a two-vehicle crash within city limits. Upon investigation, officers determined that the driver found to be at fault did not have valid insurance, was operating a vehicle with fictitious license plates, and is suspected of being under the influence.
The individual was placed under arrest, and chemical testing was conducted. The fictitious license plates were seized, and the vehicle was impounded.
Driving without insurance is not only illegal, it puts everyone on the road at risk. If you are stopped by law enforcement and found to be operating a vehicle without insurance, your vehicle is at risk of being towed, and you may face arrest. Uninsured drivers create financial and safety hazards for responsible motorists, and the Springfield Police Department remains committed to keeping our roads safe.
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