Swink Schools Continues In Person Learning

Description: Swink Schools Superintendent: "...we will continue to monitor the situation in the area and work with County Health to maintain in-person learning for as long as possible."

Published: 11/10/2020
Byline: Hart

Swink Schools Continues In Person Learning 

Info from Superintendent Hebberd


We received notice from County Health that the county would be moving from the Yellow to the more restrictive Orange level. 


While this limits some crowd sizes and limits some other activities it does not impact how we conduct our face to face education at this time. 

From the beginning our #1 priority has been getting students safely into the building for in-person instruction.  Our best instruction is provided in the classroom face-to-face.  Providing remote instruction to the primary grades is very difficult.  If we needed to move toward remote learning, we would prioritize keeping our youngest kids in the classroom. We took the things we learned from our experience last spring and provided some training through the summer to improve our ability to provide instruction remotely.  If it becomes necessary to move to remote learning, we will be able to provide better instruction than we did last spring, but it will not be equal to or replace face-to-face instruction.   For that reason we will continue to monitor the situation in the area and work with County Health to maintain in-person learning for as long as possible. 


I understand the value of extracurricular activities. I look forward to returning to a full and busy schedule of activities.  In the meantime, we will focus on continuing in-person classroom instruction and draw back from some of the extracurricular activities.  We will attempt to finish our varsity football season, but will end football at the sub varsity level.  Our last JV and JH games have been cancelled. We will end our “summer open gyms” and wait for guidance from CHSAA and state health officials on the start of the remaining seasons.  We are still on schedule for showings of the Fall Play, but if we move to a more restrictive level those plans will have to be adjusted.

I encourage each of you to be careful in your interactions and to follow health guidelines so that we can finish this year the way we started;  with kids in classrooms, learning from teachers who are excited to have them there.



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