Picketwire Players Presents July Comedy - The Play That Goes Wrong

Description: Shows held July 6, 7, 8 @ 7:30PM. Tickets are $18 and will be available online June 26 or at the box office beginning July 3rd from 5:30-7:30PM.

Picketwire Players Presents July Comedy - The Play That Goes Wrong
The Play That Goes Wrong is a farcical murder mystery, a play within a play. With whiplash timing, a cast full of wonderful hams and deadpan seriousness, this comic satire of an improbable twisted Agatha Christie wanna-be crime mystery, The Murder at Haversham Manor, will leave you breathless in laughter.
Bringing this comedy to life are Molly Borton, Des Goheen, Jonah Langston, Ben Long, Jeffery Reed, Cody Rogers, Demian Ryder, and Matthew Snyder. The set constructed by Cameron Salzbrenner, Scott Goheen and Malcham Muth is a "death-trap" of unexpected obstacles. Behind the curtains are the running crew of Rachael Berg, Dylan Kurtz, Kaydence Lagergren, Katie Merewether. The technical support crew is Janet Golding, Zoey Montoya, and Zach Zamora.
Director Natalie Summers is masterful at bringing this play of slapstick, forgotten and mispronounced lines, and a questionable set to the Picketwire stage on July 6, 7, 8 @ 7:30PM. Tickets are $18 and will be available online June 26 or at the box office beginning July 3rd from 5:30-7:30PM.
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