Prowers County Commissioners Meeting Agenda December 22nd

Description: Prowers County Commissioners Meeting Agenda December 22nd.

Published: 12/18/2020
Byline: Hart


DECEMBER 22, 2020



8:30 a.m. Board of Health, Meagan Hillman

Via Teleconference


Join by phone: (US)+1 786-886-2619

PIN: 687 824 413#



8:45 a.m. Lanie Meyers-Mireles, Prowers County Human Services Director- Collaborative Management Program (CMP)

9:00 a.m. Scott Strom, Business Development Team Leader iconergy- Courthouse Report/ Engineering Analysis

10:00 a.m. Staffon Warn, Prowers County Rural Fire Chief/OEM- Disaster Recovery Plan

10:15 a.m. Judy Wittman,- Tax Certificate Statute- Abatements

10:30 a.m. Ian Springer, Mirage Technologies- Granite - Mobility Savings Analysis- 2021 Contract

10:45 a.m. Lisa Farmer, CARES Funding Manager- Grant Applications

11:00 a.m. Steve Kil, Lamar City Administrator- Update

11:15 a.m. Brent Frazee, Southern Colorado Economic Development District- SCEDD update

11:30 a.m. Karen Bryant, Prowers Medical Center CEO- Update

11:45 a.m. Pete Hernandez, Consolidated Return Mail Center Operations Manager- CRMC update

11:50 a.m. BOCC- Updates



1:00 p.m. Call Meeting to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance


Consent Agenda Items

- Adoption of Agenda

- Ratifying December 11 Approval of bills

- Approve Payment of Bills

- December 8, 2020 Meeting Minutes

Public Comment via Teleconference

- Anyone wishing to address the BOCC may do so at the discretion of the Board and subject to three-minute limitations

- Join:

- Join by phone: (US)+1 786-886-2619

PIN: 687 824 413#


1:10 p.m. Jana Coen, Prowers County Clerk & Recorder- Public Hearing Re: application for transfer of Beer and Wine (County) Liquor License Ports to Plains Truck Plaza Inc., d/b/a Ranchers Restaurant - Public Hearing Re: application for transfer of Retail Fermented Malt Beverage Off-Premises (County) Ports to Plains Truck Plaza Inc., d/b/a Ports to Plains Truck Plaza


1:20 p.m. Stephanie Gonzales, Executive Director, Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development- Public Hearing: Authorize Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, Inc. (sub-grantee) to submit an application to Division of Housing to repurpose $800,000 of Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, Inc.’s Revolved Single Family Housing Program funds for a participation in a loan to TransEquity, LLC/Plainsview Apartment project in Lamar, CO


1:30 p.m. Michelle Hiigel, Land Use Administrator- Request for Subdivision Exemption

o Barth Farms, Inc.

o Larry D. Schenck Trust and Kristie L. Schenck Trust


1:45 p.m. Darla Scranton Specht, Esq.- County Attorney Update



 Consider Approval of Adoption of Agenda

 Consider Ratifying December 11 Approval of Bills

 Consider Approval of Payment of Bills Presented and of Voiding Checks, if any

 Consider Approval of December 8,2020 Meeting Minutes



 Consider approval of Transfer of Ownership Liquor License Application from Ports to Plains Travel Plaza over to Ports to Plains Truck Plaza (Ranchers Restaurant), License Type Beer and Wine (County).

 Consider approval of Transfer of Ownership Liquor License Application from Ports to Plains Travel Plaza over to Ports to Plains Truck Plaza (Convenience Store), License Type Retail Fermented Malt Beverage Off-Premises (County).

 Consider approval of Authorizing Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, Inc. (sub-grantee) to submit an application to Division of Housing to repurpose $800,000 of Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, Inc.’s Revolved Single Family Housing Program funds for a participation in a loan to TransEquity, LLC/Plainsview Apartment project in Lamar, CO

 Consider approval of Subdivision Exemption Request for Barth Farms, Inc., represented by Brad Barth, in the SE 1⁄4 of Sec.2-T24-R42. The request is to subdivide 6.68 acres from the existing property. The property is located in an A-3 Fragile Land Zoning District. This is an amended first subdivision. The subdivision exemption application was approved by the Prowers County Planning Commission on October 21, 2020.

 Consider approval of Subdivision Exemption Request for Barth Farms, Inc., represented by Brad Barth, in the SE 1⁄4 of Sec.2-T24-R42. The request is to subdivide 4.83 acres, with a homestead, from the existing property. The property is located in an A-3 Fragile Land Zoning District. This is a second subdivision. The subdivision exemption application was approved by the Prowers County Planning Commission on October 21, 2020.

 Consider approval of Subdivision Exemption Request for Larry D. Schenck Trust and Kristie L. Schenck Trust, in NW 1⁄2 of Sec. 11-T25-R42. The request is to subdivide approximately 7.84 acres from the existing property. The property is located in an A-2 Non-Irrigated Agriculture zoning district. This is a first subdivision. The subdivision exemption application was approved by the Prowers County Planning Commission on October 21, 2020.

 Consider approval of Colorado Judicial Department Underfunded Courthouse Facility Commission Statement of Grant Award for Fiscal Year 2021 in the amount of $41,000

 Consider approval of 2021 Ambulance License 2021-1 and Permits 2021-2, 2021-3, and 2021- 4 and 2021-5 for Lamar Ambulance Service

 Consider approval to Ratify Email Poll Approval on 12-2-2020 for Grant Award Letter from Colorado Department of State (CDOS) Grant Agreement #CO20101CARES, Award Amount $1,687.88, Authorizing Jana Coen, Prowers County Clerk and Recorder to Execute the Document

 Consider approval of 2021 Ambulance License 2021-3 and Permits 2021-10, 2021-11, 2021- 12, and 2021-13 for American Medical Response of Colorado, Inc., d/b/a MedTrans Ambulance Service

 Consider ratifying December 18, 2020 email poll approval of Budget Year 2021 Certification of Levies and Refunds by Prowers County Commissioners

 Consider approval of appointment of three members to the Prowers County Lodging Tax Tourism Panel. Terms to expire December 2023

 Consider approval of Colorado – Southeast Region Cyber Security Plan October 2020 V1.2 This plan covers the following Counties: Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, & Prowers

 Consider approval of Colorado – Southeast region Pre-Disaster Recovery Plan October 2020 V1.0 This plan covers the following Counties: Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero, & Prowers

 Consider approval of Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the Prowers County Hotline County Connection Center with answering and processing of Child Welfare and Adult Protection Services related Hotline calls and performing tasks outlined in the MOU effective January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021 with Moffat county

 Consider ratifying December 7, 2020 email poll approval of Resolution 2020-52 Extending the March 17, 2020 Local Disaster Emergency Declaration to December 14, 2020

 Consider ratifying December 17, 2020 email poll approval of Resolution 2020-53 Extending the March 17, 2020 Local Disaster Emergency Declaration to December 21, 2020

 Consider approval of County Treasurer’s 2020 Tax Abatement Request

 Consider approval of Purchase of Services Contract between Prowers County Department of Human Services and Advantage Treatment Center

 Consider approval of Independent Contractor Agreement between the Board of County Commissioners of Prowers County and Lisa Neuhold-Farmer for Services as Chief Financial Officer for the Prowers County Department of Human Services for 2021

 Consider approval of approval of Agreement for Employment of Legal Counsel between Department of Human Services of Prowers County and Donald L. Steerman, Esq. effective the 1st day of January, 2021 through the 31st day of December, 2021

 Consider approval of Paul D. Miller, CPA, LLC Engagement Letter for providing Audit Services to Prowers County’s Department of Human Services for the year ending December 31, 2021

 Consider approval of Purchase of Services contract between the County of Prowers and The Cornerstone Resource Center to perform the duties as outlined Amendment #5 21 IHIA 164679 Statement of Work and Budget (Exhibit A) for a term until September 30, 2021

 Consider approval of Letter from The Prowers County Board of County Commissioners, (BOCC), officially requesting that the State of Colorado Department of Human Services provide Hotline County Connection Center (HCCC) services for our county on a full-time basis

 Consider ratifying December 14, 2020 email poll approval of State of Colorado Amendment (1) to Original Agreement 20-HTR-ZL-03093 authorizing Darren Glover, Prowers Area Transit Director to execute the document

 Consider approval of Statement of Work and Master Service Agreement with LanguageLine Phone Interpreting for the Prowers county Consolidated Return Mail Center

 Consider approval of Southeastern Colorado Regional Emergency Trauma Advisory Council (SECRETAC) FY2020-2021 Grant Application for the benefit of Prowers County and Holly Ambulance Service

 Consider approval of 2021 Ambulance License 2021-2 and Permits 2021-6, 2021-7 for Holly Ambulance Service

 Consider approval of Second Amendment to Agreement Concerning Implementation of an “E911” Emergency Telephone Service

 Consider approval of Initial Bylaws of the Prowers County Emergency Telephone Authority Board



NOTE: This Agenda is provided for informational purposes only. Action may be taken on any or all of the items. All times are approximate. If any given item is finished earlier than anticipated, the Commissioners may move on to the next item. The only exceptions are public hearings on items which have had published notices of a specific hearing time; those items will not begin until the specific time or after. If you need assistance in participating in this meeting due to a disability as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call 719-336-8030 at least three days prior to the scheduled meeting to request an accommodation.

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