What exactly is Zoom Bombing and how can I prevent it from happening to me?

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What exactly is "Zoom Bombing" and how can I prevent it from happening to me?
Zoom bombing is when Internet hackers crash Zoom video conferences and flood them with inappropriate content. Public school classes, support group meetings, church services, and other virtual gatherings. While it's nearly impossible to completely prevent these attacks, there are steps you can take to increase security.
1. Never use your personal meeting ID - When creating a meeting, you can use your personal ID or generate a random one, and you should always generate a random meeting ID.
2. Always use a meeting password - Zoom sends meeting passwords out to all invitees when invitations are sent. If you're worried that someone unwanted may get the password, create the meeting without one set, update the meeting to add a password, and send it out to invitees in a separate email or via another form of communication.
3. Don't share your Zoom link or code on social media - Instead, publicize an R.S.V.P email address where people can state their interest in attending the event. That way, you can vet the list of prospective attendees and share the event link with only those whom you choose.
4. Enable Zoom's waiting room feature - Each user who connects is put in a queue and the meeting host has to approve them. If you don't recognize someone in the waiting room, don't let them in.
5. Turn off screen sharing for everyone but the meeting host - Zoom bombers need to be able to visually take over a meeting to be effective.
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