Boggsville Historic Landmark Under Multiphase Restoration
Description: Boggsville - The multicultural aspect of this unique site contributes to its national importance - it captures the story of ethnic diversity, with cultural groups of American, New Mexican, Mexican, Native American and European lineage.

Boggsville Historic Landmark Under Multiphase Restoration
-Project Needs Your Suppport
The Boggsville National Register Historic Site, located in the rural community of Las Animas, Colorado, is undergoing major, multi-phase conservation efforts, and Phase 1 is recently complete. Boggsville is a tangible example of Westward expansionism including common social mores of the settlement period such as cross-cultural marriage and/or cohabitation.
The multicultural aspect of this unique site contributes to its national importance - it captures the story of ethnic diversity, with cultural groups of American, New Mexican, Mexican, Native American and European lineage. Highlighting, interpreting and celebrating the everyday workings of this historic residential, agricultural, and commercial settlement along the Santa Fe Trail is important to telling the story of the settlement of Colorado and the West.
The historic adobe structures on the site, the Boggs and Prowers family homes, date back to the 1860's. When the project was initiated, both buildings needed immediate stabilization. Restoration work in Phase I included the development of comprehensive construction documents, roof replacement on the Boggs House and sitework around both buildings for positive drainage. Phase I was supported by grants from the History Colorado State Historical Fund (SHF), the Gates Family Foundation, and the National Trust’s Peter Grant Fund.
Additional funds came from several local organizations and individuals, including the Bent County Commissioners, the First National Bank of Las Animas, Dale Leighty, Dairy Queen, Bent County Art Guild, Bent County Preservation Society, Territorial Daughters, Graphic Designs, Steve & Cindy Bourne, mid-year Bent County Historical Society (BHS) Donations, and the Order of the Indian Wars. The first phase of restoration work and planning included successful initial steps toward the long-term restoration of the Boggs and Prowers Houses and was overseen by professional preservation architects and archaeologists.
However, there is more work to be done: Phase II is slated to begin in late summer, 2021 and includes a new roof for the Prowers House and the restoration of windows at the Boggs House. Funders so far include repeat supporters: the History Colorado State Historical Fund and the Peter Grant Fund through the National Trust. Funds are also being provided through the Daughters of the American Revolution and the City of Las Animas. There is also a pending application to the National Park Service's History of Equal Rights Fund and if approved, the scope of work will be expanded to remedy the majority of urgent preservation concerns at the site.
This conservation project is made possible by a strong partnership between BHS (the property owner and site manager), and the Colorado Historical Foundation (CHF), a Colorado heritage and historic preservation non-profit organization. This arrangement capitalizes on the assets of both groups, allowing BHS to focus on local fundraising and site management, while CHF brings preservation, grant writing and project management expertise to the table. BHS continues to fund-raise to provide critical matching funds for the project and for long-term site maintenance and stability. If you are interested in supporting this project, donations may be mailed to: Friends of Boggsville, P. O. Box 68, Las Animas, CO. 81054
The Boggsville National Register Historic Site is open to the public with self-guided interpretive tours available year-round. The historic houses and visitor center are open Tuesday-Saturday, 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. between May and September. Boggsville Days (an annual historic celebration) is held annually on the last Saturday of September with history interpreters, entertainment, food, and other family fun. For more Information, please call Boggsville Historic Site, 719-456-1358, or visit Facebook: Boggsville Landmark, or email:
Bent County Historical Society
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