Local First Responders Assist Texas Brotherhood Ride

Description: The Texas Brotherhood Cyclist and First Responder Support Organization Rode through Southeast Colorado on their Way to Colorado Springs from Houston Texas.

Local First Responders Assist Texas Brotherhood Ride
Photos by: Alicia Gumke
The Texas Brotherhood Ride Crossed the Arkansas River at the North La Junta Bridge Wednesday afternoon. Local Agencies assisted the nonprofit group in honoring fallen Texas firefighters, police, and EMS personnel who died while in service to their community.
Lunch was hosted at the La Junta Municpal Building by the Fire Department, Police, and local first responder community.
The Texas Brotherhood Ride mission statement reads:
"The Texas Brotherhood Ride’s mission is to honor First Responders who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving their community. By riding bicycles, our goal is to bring awareness to these tragedies and letting their families, friends and co-workers know that Texas Never Forgets."
Find out more here:
Texas Brotherhood Ride Passes Through Southeast Colorado 9/15/21
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