Tri-County Family Care Center’s 1st Annual Cantaloupe Catapulting Contest!!

Description: Tri-County Family Care Centers 1st Annual Cantaloupe Catapulting Contest at The Cruisin Into Fall Harvest Festival September 25th at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds in Rocky Ford.

Tri-County Family Care Center’s 1st Annual Cantaloupe Catapulting Contest!!
How far will your cantaloupe go?
Will your cantaloupe hit the bullseye?
A “Cantaloupe Catapulting” contest will be held during the 1 st Annual Cruisin’ Into Fall Harvest Festival and “Keep Kids Safe” Fair, sponsored by Tri-County Family Care Center. Otero County 4-H is assisting with this contest. This will be held on Saturday, September 25, 2:00 p.m. at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds. Tearle Lessenden, Kiowa County CSU agent, will launch cantaloupes donated by Hirakata Farms, with a catapult machine. People can pay to have a cantaloupe designated with their name on it, for two obstacle courses, that will be performed. One will be longest distance launched.
Second contest will be cantaloupes launched towards a large bullseye! The grandstand will be available for spectators to watch for a small fee. Find the TCFCC booth, during the Cruisin’ Festival, to purchase your cantaloupe entry and researve a seat to see if you will be a winner! Come join the fun, even if you do not have an entry. 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd place cash prizes will be given to winners! For more information, please call 719-254-7776. Sponsors for this event are Hollar Seed Company and Black Hills Energy.
$5 per cantaloupe to be included in the contest and to watch or $5 just to watch.
Tearle Lessenden, Kiowa County CSU Agent, will operate Catapult with Marlena Griesse, Otero/Crowley CSU Agent and 4-H members of District 6 assisting.
Sponsors: Black Hills Energy, 719-SUPPLY, Hollar Seed Company & Hirakata Farms.
Tri-County Family Care Center Cruisin Into Fall Harvest Festival Info
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