CDOT Plans Install of Stop Signal at Deadly Hwy Intersection in Rocky Ford

Description: Wednesday morning Colorado Department of Transportation workers serviced a Stop Signal at the intersection on Hwy 71 and US Hwy 50 in Rocky Ford, CDOT is currently in the project design phase and is planning construction in the future.

CDOT Planning Construction on New Stop Signal at Deadly Hwy Intersection
One of Southeast Colorado's most dangerous intersections is getting a little safer...
Rocky Ford - Colorado Department of Transportation workers have been busy planning a new stop signal construction project at one of Southeast Colorado's most deadly locations. These pictures are of a CDOT crew performing routine service work and replacing signage this week.
US Hwy 50 brings cross-country travelers through the heart of Southeast Colorado, while Hwy 71 North offers truckers a route both to and from the Denver metro, the intersection of the two has been a lethal combination for decades.
With numerous accidents at the intersection, located just west of Rocky Ford, in the past CDOT has responded with the installation of a large flashing red stop signal as well as a larger more prominent stop sign, but further safety features are being considered for the intersection. The project is currently in the design phase, according to CDOT.
As progress is made during the design and planning stages or when there is an opportunity for public input we will share it here.
Motorists are still urged to please use caution at this intersection.
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