Swink Schools Puts Secondary Students On Remote Learning Due To Positive Covid 19 Case

Description: Swink School District put 7th-12th grade on remote learning due to a positive Covid 19 Case.

Published: 09/10/2020
Byline: Hart

 Swink grades 7th -12th will have remote learning extended until September 28th.  Swink website has more info under "COMMUNITY UPDATES"


Details will be announced as available. 

Seconews conducted a social media investigation, which yielded the following excerpts from the community. Names have been removed to respect privacy.

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Info from Superintendent Hebberd:

9-10-20 Today Swink School was notified of a positive student test in our high school.  Protocol requires that close contacts of that student (students or teachers who share a class) be quarantined for 14 days from the onset of symptoms.  All of the close contacts who need to quarantine have been notified by phone.  Due to the number of teachers who would be in quarantine the District made a decision to move all 7-12 graders to remote learning for the quarantine period.  Students who did not receive a phone notification from the District are not close contacts and are not required to quarantine but will be remote learning until the quarantine period ends.   7-12 will return to in person learning on Monday September 21.  The elementary is not impacted; they will continue with in person learning.

If you are experiencing symptoms of COVID please call OCHD at 719-468-8083.


Swink Schools contacted parents via text message to pick up their secondary(7th-12th) students Thursday morning around eleven am.

Swink Schools Principal Lauren Vortruba referred Seconews to the district website for further information. 

The district text follows:

"Due to a Covid Case Secondary Students Will Be in remote learning due to staffing issues. Please come pick up your student ASAP. Return September 21."

The district sent out another message to elementary student parents hours later.

"Swink has a COVID case in the secondary. This doesn't affect your student. Elementary students will continue in person. Monitor your kids for symptoms."

The district released this announcement and QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS POST.

Swink Schools Social Media seconews.org



Swink Schools shared this Quarantine Information on their social media as well.

Quarantine Information seconews.org

Quarantine information seconews.org

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