National Drive Your Studebaker Day Celebrated By Local Enthusiasts

Description: 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk Emblem and Chrome Trim.

Local Studebaker Enthusiasts Celebrated National Drive Your Studebaker Day
Pictured Above: 1957 Studebaker Silver Hawk Dan Shake of Boone, CO - 1964 Studebaker Cruiser David Batchelor of Florence, CO - 1962 Studebaker Champ Pickup, Chuck Donkle of Las Animas, CO.
A Silverhawk reflection on a Champ Pickup.
The cruise included a stop at the Boone VFW Post #8898 for lunch.
The Studebakers looked at home with the Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club.
The Studebaker Owners had a smooth cruise down Southeast Colorado backroads and celebrated National Drive Your Studebaker Day behind the wheel.
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