Donations for Las Animas Fire Fighter Jason Garcia

Description: Jason is a 20-year volunteer fire fighter with the Las Animas-Bent County Fire Department and recently lost his home to the Ft Lyon Wildfire on April 12, 2022.

Donations for Las Animas Fire Fighter Jason Garcia
Jason is a 20-year veteran Volunteer Fire Fighter with the Las Animas-Bent County Fire Department.
He recently lost his home where he grew up and all possessions while fighting a wildfire East of Las Animas, CO on April 12, 2022.
Jason has an immediate need of men's clothing: XL shirts, 36x36 pants, and size 11-1/2 shoes and work boots.
An account has been set up for monetary donations at First National Bank of Las Animas.
Make donations to the Jason C Garcia Fund at The First National Bank of Las Animas.
To arrange pick up of items or for further information...
Please contact Christina at (720) 244-7476
Clothing and gift card donations can be dropped off at the Las Animas Fire Department at 435 5th St in Las Animas, Colorado.
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