CSP Releases Info on Multiple Vehicle Crash at 50/71 Intersection 4/26/22

Description: The Flight for Life Helicopter Prepares to Transport at the intersection of US HWY 50 and Hwy 71 on April 26, 2022. (Courtesy Photo)

CSP Releases Info on Multiple Vehicle Crash at 50/71 Intersection 4/26/22
Colorado State Patrol Master Trooper Gary Cutler reported the following in regards to the multiple vehicle accident that occurred on April 26 at the intersection in US Hwy 50 and Hwy 71 in Rocky Ford, Colorado.
The Colorado State Patrol responded to a multiple vehicle accident at 11:25 am on Tuesday. It was initially reported that a vehicle was stuck on the train tracks, however The Colorado Department of Transportation clarified that the vehicle was in the roadway.
Upon arrival it was discovered that vehicle #1 was a Sugar City Trash Truck driven by Fernando Delatorez, 70 of Rocky Ford.
Vehicle #2 was a black Ford Focus that was trapped underneath the trash truck driven by Frankie Lovato, 33 of Rocky Ford.
Vehicle #3 was a Ford E-25 Van driven by 28 year-old Isiah Perea of Pueblo West.
Initially, only an eastbound lane of traffic was closed while Perea was transported by ambulance to the Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center for treatment.
Lovato was unresponsive, but had a pulse and had to be extricated from the vehicle.
According to Trooper Cutler, all lanes of traffic were closed so the Flight for Life helicopter could transport Lovato for medical treatment.
The driver of the Sugar City Trash Truck, Delatorez, was issued a citation.
All lanes of traffic were reopened at 12:57, Cutler said. A complete accident report from the Colorado State Patrol is pending.
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3 Vehicle Accident at US Hwy 50 and Hwy 71 in Rocky Ford 4/26/22
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