Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter December 2022

Description: The Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter for December 2022... Featuring Minutes by Elaine Wittman...

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By Elaine Wittman with notes given by Karen Mengas
Minutes for December 6, 2022
The December meeting started at 7:00 p.m. with President Greg Holt leading the Pledge of Allegiance and Leonard Walgren said grace over the meeting and for the meal. Forty Four Members and 3 guests were in attendance and all enjoyed Brisket, Creamy potato, green beans, salad, Dinner rolls, all prepared by Catlin Hansen from "Almost Home Cooking."
When dinner was over the gift exchange started with Chuck Donkle as the emcee. President Greg Holt presented Karen With a Little gift of appreciation for all her work as a great secretary.
NEW MEMBERS – None to report for December 2022
OLD BUSINESS – Karen Menges asked if we received money from the La Junta Sonic when the club participated in a Cruise Night on Tuesday August 2nd. Chuck Donkle hasn’t settled with them as of yet.
Leonard Walgren moved that the club pay the First Christian Church per meeting for 8 months.. Rose Grim second the motion. Motion passed. Leonard Walgren also moved that the club pay the Otero Museum for the use of and displaying the car clubs’ memorabilia. Rose Grim 2nd the motion. Motion passed. Ann Dowd wanted the club to know that the Ordway VFW is having a FREE dinner for the veterans on Friday (Veterans Day) November 11th starting at 2:00. Donations welcome. Please remember Reyes and Candy Medrano long time members as they are dealing with health issues.
Chuck Donkle states that his yellow taxi cab is on display at the Salina, Kansas museum from January through April, so check it out when in Kansas!
NEW BUSINESS - Photos from the Christmas Party to be forwarded next month. Until Elaine can transfer the photos over. We will just have to imagine the photos taken. Next month January 3rd will be Our Annual Toy Show. Bring all your cool collectibles such as Cars, Tractors, Antique other toys, etc.
Have a Safe and Happy New Year. See you all in 2023
Membership dues are $20.00 – Please mail to Carol Allen, PO Box 64, Sugar City, CO 81076-0076 We take Cash or Check!!
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