Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter January 2023

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The meeting was opened by President Greg Holt at 7:05pm and Greg led the members in the Pledge and a Prayer. The minutes from the last meeting were approved when Jim Huff made the motion to accept as in the newsletter and Leonard Walgren second the motion. Before the Vote, Secretary Elaine wanted to be sure that the newsletter was received by those present at this meeting. It was acknowledge that they were received and the vote was approved to accept as printed in the newsletter. There was no treasurer report as Carol was unavailable. No new members were among the crowd this evening.
Old Business
Secretary Elaine asked if anything was received from Sonic? Chuck Donkle said that the amount will be $150.00. The Corporate has not yet released the funds.
New Business
Leonard volunteered to make the reservations for our June Hamburger Fry, Our July Ice Cream Social and For September for our annual car show. In checking the dates, it was noticed that the July meeting would fall on the 4th.
It was agreed to change it to the 11th and at 7:00p.m. in the city park. Greg inquired about the possibility of having the Valentine’s dinner at the VFW in Ordway. In open discussion there was a firm desire of having it at a different location. Greg contacted other locations and found that Boss Hoggs will best meet the most desires. Greg made reservations for February 7 at 6:30 p.m. after speaking confirming this with available board members. Call Greg at 719-384-8938 for reservations. You will be able to order off the menu and pay the tab on your own.
It was brought it to the clubs attention that Arkansas Valley Hospice is trying to sell a 1958 Ford 1/2 Ton PU that was donated to them to raise funds for the programs. They would like $15000.00 or best offer. The month of February will be the month for them to sell the PU.
FOR SALE 1958 Ford F100 1/2 ton Proceeds Benefit Arkansas Valley Hospice Inc
Chuck and Jimmy began work on the Debug/Defrost run for April 22 (tentative date). Chuck Donkle said the Studebaker Drivers Club will be having a meeting here in the Valley from June 22 to June 24th. There will activities with registration on the 22nd, a drive through the Sonic in La Junta. The group will visit Bents Old Fort on the 23rd and then will go to the Las Animas Museum.
They will end the day at the Koshare Kiva for a dance. The last day they will have their day long Car Show at the La Junta City Park. The group will meet at Inspirational Field for Dinner after that. Call Chuck for any information. The March meeting will feature ladies night. Ladies bring your wonderful collections of mementos, hobbies and crafts. The meeting was adjourned at 7:39pm. No 50/50 drawing was held.
Five members participated in the Toy Show/Collection show and refreshments were served. Chuck Donkle, Leonard Walgren, Gary Caldwell, Jim Huff and Jimmie Martinez treated everyone to their collections.
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