Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter March 2023

Description: Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club March 2023 Minutes by Greg Holt...

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April 4 – Car Club Meeting – La Junta Christian Church - 7:00 p.m. – James Huff refreshments
April 22 – Debug Tour – final arrangements at April 4th meeting
May 2 – Car Club Meeting – La Junta Christian Church – 7:00 p.m. Wayne Potter refreshments
May 19th - 20th Lamar Days Rod Run – Fri 6:00 p.m. Sonic, 8-12 Willow Cr. Pk.
May 21st – Florence Car Show
June 6 – Hamburger Fry – Bring salads, dessert or chips – Richard Wittman
Minutes for March 7, 2023
About 25 members came to the meeting on Ladies night. President Greg Holt started the meeting at 7:00 p.m. with the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Greg asked the group if they liked the way the Valentines dinner was handled in February. General consensus was that it was good to be able to order from the menu and pick and choose to fit their budget and tastes. Mention was made about checking out Inspiration Field for the Christmas dinner. James Huff motioned to accept the minutes from the previous meeting with some minor corrections. Leonard Walgren seconded and the group voted “yes” to approve.
Treasurers Report
There was no treasurer’s report given. However, one purchase with payment for plaques was confirmed between Greg and Chuck Donkle to have been paid. Payment was received for 2 memberships with checks mailed to Carol Allen.
Old Business
Jimmie Martinez and Chuck Donkle are working on the Debug tour for April 22nd. The only thing we know from them is that it will be in Otero and Crowley County and is called the “PCS” tour. They are planning on a picnic with everyone bringing some of the makings. We will learn more about this and other details at the April 4th meeting. Plan to come to the meeting to help get it together. And besides, you will not want to miss James Huff’s refreshment creation(s)!
New Business
Upcoming events in include Lamar Days Rod run May19-20st, Florence Car Show May 21st. and the Studebaker Club 2023 North Central Zone Meet June 22, 23, 24th. Mention was made that Sarah Dillon asked if the club would change its car show location to Rocky Ford which was met with firm disapproval. Chuck Donkle’s taxi car will be on exhibit at the Salina, Kansas museum until May 1st.
James Huff joined others in conversation about the Hemmings Great Road Race June 24-July 2 running from St. Augustine, Florida to Colorado Springs.
They should be coming through La Junta the afternoon of the July 1st. There’s plenty of time to talk over whether the club would want to do anything special in response to their run through the town. They will have lunch at the Colorado Welcome Center at 11:45 on the 1st. and travel onto Pueblo and overnight there. It was said that they will have up to 72 vehicles and their poster says vehicle are earlier than 1974.
Mention was made about paying membership dues to Carol Allen at PO Box 64, Sugar City, CO 81076-0064.
I can check the roster if you are not sure if you have paid or not at 384-8938. Elaine Wittman has been faced with family health needs and stated that a replacement will be needed in her place. I (Greg) can continue to provide this newsletter if needed. But if anyone can take over this and the other secretarial needs, it would be very much appreciated.
Ladies Night Hobby Show
There was some really interesting hobbies and collections on exhibit Tuesday night. If you missed them, Adrian Hart filmed their presentations for SECO News and on YouTube.
Fannie Thomas brought Boyd’s Bears and Yesterday’s Child figurines. Some had nurse related effects. Fannie attended Reddington, Pennsylvania Nursing School and showed her original nursing hat.
Rethabel Huff showed her crystal glassware and demonstrated a Google device that you can take pictures of something like her glassware and provide the dollar value of the object.
Sara Holt showed a quilt that she researched and produced using all hand making techniques and finished it after 8 months of part-time work.
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