Next To Normal - Finds Light in The Dark on The Picketwire Stage

Description: The Picketwire Players Present: Next To Normal at the Picketwire Center For Performing and Visual Arts in La Junta on April 26, 27, 28, 29, 2023. Tickets Now Available. (Photo by John Lockhart)

Next to Normal
Picketwire Players’ Spring Musical
The Picketwire Players’ spring production is the musical Next to Normal. When it opened on Broadway in 2009, The New York Times called it “A brave and breathtaking musical.” With book and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt, Next to Normal explores how one suburban household copes with crisis and mental illness.
Mostly, it is the story of a family – with all the love, sacrifices and heartbreak that one experiences as a family twisting together through life. It also has moments of joyfulness – even though those joys become fewer and farther between as the years march on.
Sensitively directed by Tracey Salzbrenner, with vocal direction by Dean Rees and James Lind, Next to Normal opens Wednesday, April 26th and runs through Saturday, April 29th at the Picketwire Center for Performing and Visual Arts (802 San Juan Avenue, La Junta, Colorado). All performances begin at 7:30 p.m.
The ensemble cast admirably interprets these complex characters with depth and compassion. It takes veteran actors to present and interact with a character suffering from bipolar disorder, a character who both loves and damages her family.
(Photo by John Lockhart)
Taking on the difficult role of Diana “Di” Goodman is Katie Lagergren. Ms. Lagergren has graced Picketwire’s stage in many roles, showing increasing maturity and understanding of each character. With Diana, Ms. Lagergren reaches new heights – playing her with anger, frustration, and manic activity as she battles an illness she never understands. Her voice brings to life Diana’s roller coaster life with each song.
Dan Goodman, her husband, is played with all his hopes, sweetness and disappointments by Stephen Mathews, Jr. Mr. Mathews has been part of Picketwire’s family since he was young. As he grew, so grew the maturity and talent of his performances. He can portray difficult and tortured characters with sensitivity and strength. His interpretation of Dan is another wonderfully profound performance.
Kaydence Lagergren is Natalie Goodman, the 16-year old daughter, who is both wise beyond her years and immature in her understanding of the illness that her mother carries. Natalie feels that her teenage needs are all but forgotten in this complex family structure. Ms. Kaydence is wonderful as the maneuvers through the confusion and new found strength of her character.
The Goodman’s son, Gabriel “Gabe” might be the most difficult character to interpret and Noah Nunez-Rebel plays him with both vulnerability and mischief. While Gabe is charming and his mother’s favorite, he is quite capable of being terrible. We soon find that Gabe is dead, but still very much alive in his mother’s memory and the havoc he can still cause.
(Photo by John Lockhart)
Natalie believes Diana only has love for the brother that is no longer there. One of the highlights of the first Act is a duet between brother and sister as they sing “Super Boy, Invisible Girl”. The blending of voices is truly magnificent by these young actors.
Natalie’s boyfriend, Henry, is a sweet, young boy – who is almost a mirror of a younger Dan. Newcomer Andrew Benjamin is the epitome of kind and supportive. He gives the character a good balance of trying to support Natalie, while using marijuana to help dull his reality. In fact, Henry may be the most together of all the characters.
Rounding out the ensemble is Erik Woodall. He plays two different versions of Diana’s psychiatrists. When he appears as her second doctor, he really comes alive and enlivens Diana in the process.
While the subject matter is difficult, the music is incredibly moving and beautiful. The voices of mother and daughter – played by real life mother and daughter Katie and Kaydence Lagergren – meld as if a dual version of the same voice.
(Photo by John Lockhart)
In Act II, chaos is replaced by hope that each character is finding his or her own way. There is hope that they each have an opportunity to move forward, to have a meaningful life.
As accomplished and brilliant as the acting and singing are in this musical, the technical side must also be mentioned. Ms. Salzbrenner’s directing is magnificent, interpreting this complex material and preparing each actor to deliver a performance that both educates and moves the audience.
Assistant Directors are Cameron Salzbrenner and Desiree Goheen. The superbly, innovative set was designed by the Salzbrenner husband and wife team. The scene changes are seamless as actors move from one level to another in continuous action with help from the backstage crew of Jansen Ediger and Lilly Klein. Sets were built by Cameron Salzbrenner, Scott Goheen, Bret Coates, Jake Pruyn and the cast and crew.
(Photo by John Lockhart)
As is typical of Zach Zamora, the lighting was inspired and set the mood for each character and scene. Even the colored LED lights told a story, flashing red for Diana’s anger, green for Henry’s mellow mood, and purple to illustrate the Goodman’s next to normal existence. The character’s even comment that they are “looking for light in the dark”. Mr. Zamora delivers for them.
This multiple Tony and Pulitzer prize-winning drama is an emotional, personal, don’t miss musical. The word “brilliant” may not be adequate or deep enough to describe the performances of this ensemble cast. Missing this musical would be like depriving yourself of an once-in-a-lifetime experience.
(Photo by John Lockhart)
Picketwire Players’ Next to Normal opens Wednesday, April 26th and runs through Saturday, April 29th. All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the box office or online https://www.picketwireplayers.
org/tickets. Running time is approximately 2.5 hours, including a 15 minute intermission. The Picketwire Theatre Box Office is Located at 802 San Juan Avenue, La Junta, Colorado
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