Low Vision Display by Area Agency on Aging June 2, 2023

Description: The public is welcome. Persons 60+ who have low vision (i.e. vision cannot be corrected to normal levels with regular glasses) and live in Otero, Crowley, Bent, Kiowa, Baca, and Prowers county may be eligible to receive low vision items.

Low Vision Display by Area Agency on Aging June 2, 2023
The Area Agency on Aging is hosting a LOW VISION display on Fri., June 2, 9-11 a.m. and 1-2 p.m. at the Otero County Courthouse (13 W 3rd Street), Room 110. We'll have large desktop magnifiers, small handheld digital magnifiers, and other items (talking thermometer, giant calendar, white/blind canes, standard magnifiers, and more).
The public is welcome. Persons 60+ who have low vision (i.e. vision cannot be corrected to normal levels with regular glasses) and live in Otero, Crowley, Bent, Kiowa, Baca, and Prowers county may be eligible to receive low vision items.
For more information, please call 719.383.3170
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