Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Newsletter May 2023

Description: Minutes and Reports from the Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club May 2023 Meeting...

Minutes for May, 2023
About 12 members came to the meeting which started promptly at 7:00 p.m.
President Greg Holt started the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and prayer. The minutes as read were approved with motion to approve by Leonard Walgren with a second by Jimmie Martinez. Greg spoke about the newsletter glitches he is having and it looks like they are getting to be fewer in number.
Treasurers Report
Carol Allen read the treasurer’s report.
Old Business
The Debug tour was a little wet with snow coming down through the morning. Stops were made to clear the water from the windshields. Most stayed warm in modern cars, but Jimmie and 5 others braved the cold in their old and the newer antiques. The map below shows the route with a stop at the Frontier Diner for a hot cinnamon roll, coffee and tea. Perfect answer for the day.
Lined up in front of the diner, a waitress snapped some pictures of which some you can see on the Diner’s Facebook page.
Thanks to Chuck, Greg Donkle and Jimmie for organizing the trip and thanks to Erica for the map. You can see the mystery route below:
Lunch at the Rocky Ford Fire House was out of the rain, warm and dry.
Thanks to the Rocky Ford Fire Department for the use of the meeting room and a tour. And thanks to passerby Pat Finkner for joining and assisting us with picture taking and a visit. Her plan was to go to a gospel singing at the Railroad Park, but it did not materialize.
The Santa Fe Trail Days parade was attended by the Huffs and Walgrens. They reported that it was a miserable day with cold and wind. Members of the club are ailing right now. A notice from the Murdoc family of Mary who is recovering from a brain injury. Other members in need of our prayers include Larry Miller, Lee Fulbright and Chuck Donkle. All are receiving care.
New Business
Upcoming area events include those written on the first page. Mention was made of the Syracuse, Kansas auction which will feature mostly Model A Ford parts. The seller made a concentrated effort on gathering parts for years. The next meeting will be 6-6:30 pm on June 6 at the La Junta City Park. We’ll have the annual burger fry courtesy of Richard and Elaine Whittman. Bring salads, desserts, condiments, or drinks. It will be at the 13th avenue gazebo.
Don’t forget to bring a place setting and your folding chair. We tried a new way to generate funds for the club. These days you can find ways to generate just about anything from the internet. Greg brought A “Car Club Bingo” game with cards, beans to mark spaces and prizes. You buy the use of a card for a dollar and listen and mark your spaces. Fifty percent goes to the club and the other fifty goes to the winner. The spaces are names of cars. We started with just a 3x3 card (3spaces by 3 spaces). The first winner can keep his winnings or donate it to the club. We continued calling space on the same card and gave out small prizes. Asked about doing at future meetings, it was a definite yes. We will go with 4x4 spaces at the August meeting. The next two meetings will be outside in the elements and so we will not do it there.
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