Picketwire Players Jekyll & Hyde Casting Call

Description: The Picketwire’s fall production auditions held on August 1st & 2nd from 6:30-8:30 p.m.! We are looking for actors and actresses ages 16 and up. Both new and seasoned performers are welcome.

Picketwire Players Jekyll & Hyde Casting Call
The production team of Jekyll and Hyde the Musical is excited to kick off Picketwire’s fall production with auditions on August 1st & 2nd from 6:30-8:30 p.m.! We are looking for actors and actresses ages 16 and up. Both new and seasoned performers are welcome.
Please come to auditions prepared with a song of your choice and your own accompaniment if desired. You will also be asked to read a cutting from the script. Those auditioning for the role of Jekyll/Hyde should prepare the first half of the song "Confrontation" from the show. If necessary, callbacks will be held on August 4th. (https://youtu.be/EXGYdnUe5MA)
Production dates are October 12-14 at 7:30 p.m. and October 15 at 2:30 p.m. Rehearsals will be held Monday-Friday from 7-9 p.m. beginning on August 7th.
If you are interested in working backstage or with set construction, please come to auditions and fill out an audition form indicating that you would like to do so.
If you would like to brush up on your singing skills before auditions, don’t forget about Picketwire’s vocal workshops and private sessions with vocal coach Tanya Perkins on July 20-23! For more information, go to www.picketwireplayers.org/education
Note: All ages listed are stage ages; in other words, the age that the performing artist appears, not the performer’s actual age.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 35-45
Baritone/Tenor – Bb2-A4
Henry Jekyll is a driven, focused individual. Though charming and pleasant, his focus on his scientific pursuits verge on obsession and often get in the way of what others expect of him. Many of his peers find him difficult to stomach, due to his determined nature and his lack of concern with societal expectations. He can be frantic and single-minded, though we do see a soft side to him. As the play develops – and Jekyll becomes more involved with his experiments – he grows more insular, sharper, and almost scary in his frenzy.
Edward Hyde is the counterpart to Jekyll. He is a brutish and intimidating, his presence alone suggests the danger he presents. Despite his threatening appearance, something about him should suggest to the audience a sense of allure; an instinctual attraction to his strength. Charming, frightening, and suave, Hyde is unpredictable yet always in clear control of any space he occupies.
The actor playing this role must be comfortable with staged intimacy. The role requires close bodily contact with the actress portraying Lucy. He must also be comfortable performing in scenes depicting sexual violence and assault.
Gender: Female
Age Range: 25-40
Soprano – A3-C6
Jekyll’s fiancée, Emma, is a darling of society – at least that’s what everybody expects. She is headstrong and fierce and couldn’t care less about peoples’ expectations of her. A match for Henry’s intellect, she is sharp and quick witted. She knows what she wants and won’t let anyone tell her she can’t have it. She is very close with her father, Sir Danvers Carew. The two have relied on each other since Emma’s mother passed away, and her sweeter side is brought out in her interactions with him. With Henry she is playful and supportive; his anchor to keep him straying completely into isolation.
This role has already been cast.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 35-45
Baritone – B2-F#4
Utterson is Jekyll’s lawyer, and his best friend. He serves as a narrator at times, though he is also a present character throughout the show. A respected gentleman, he has an easy nature and does his best to act as Jekyll’s voice of reason. He stumbles, however, in being too soft – likely due to his amiableness – and ultimately fails to keep Jekyll out of trouble.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 60+
Baritone – C3-F#4
Emma’s father, Sir Danvers, acts as Chairman of the Board of Governors. He is kind and protective and tries to protect Emma in the world. He does his best also to support Henry, quietly fighting in his corner when he can. An older gentleman, he is well respected and more in keeping with the traditional idea of what a gentleman should be.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 35-45
Baritone – A2-G4
Simon works as secretary for the Board of Governors. He believes Jekyll to be unworthy of Miss Emma Carew, wishing she would turn her attentions towards himself – it is clear that most other members of their social circle feel the same way. Henry’s adversary in every way. A firm, steely man, quick to snap. His behavior towards Emma is smarmy, verging on slimy.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 60+
Baritone/Tenor – C#3-G4
The Bishop of Basingstoke is a haughty man who puts his own faith and convictions over everything else…until he doesn’t. He rails against Dr. Jekyll at the board meeting for trying to play God, and he believes in punishment for those who commit sins, although we discover that he has a penchant for very young prostitutes. He is a predator that uses his station as armor.
Gender: Female
Age Range: 40+
Soprano – F#4-G5
Lady Beaconsfield is a snobbish, aristocratic member of the Board of Directors. Dismissive and disgusted by anyone she feels is beneath her, she is not willing to do anything that would seemingly demean her. She is the worst kind of aristocrat, willfully blind to the plight of others while flaunting her own wealth and privilege.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 20+
Lord Savage is a member of the Board of Directors at the hospital, and he is clearly a society man with more important things to do. A member of the upper class who can constantly be found disparaging the rest of the upper class. He catches on to what is happening in time to try to flee, but not in time to save himself.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 30+
Archibald Proops is an erudite and foppish lawyer who is a member of the Board of Directors. He’s a busy man, quick and methodical, and likely equates everything to its relevance to the law. He enjoys the finer things in life such as good clothes, fine dining, and the best wines, and has no patience for blemishes upon the world like the poor and filthy.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 60+
General Lord Glossop is an older, staunch military man who is on the Board of Directors. He is used to being obeyed and cannot fathom someone who would dare defy orders. He has no love for the other board members, but neither does he have a heart for anyone else. He is cold, uncaring, and unwilling to see anything outside his very narrow view of propriety. A bully.
Gender: Female
Age Range: 20+
Nellie is a young prostitute who works for Spider at The Red Rat and is Lucy’s friend. She flaunts her body as a way to entice men to enter and enjoy the business. She is willing to do absolutely anything for a buck, and gladly, even at the expense of others. She is glamorous (or as much as someone in her position can be).
Gender: Male
Age Range: 40+
The operator of The Red Rat, the establishment Lucy Harris works at, and he is her pimp. Cruel, arrogant, and off putting, The Spider mirrors Lord Savage’s view of being better than the rest of his class, but without the panache of the former.
Gender: Male
Age Range: 40+
Poole is Dr. Jekyll’s manservant at his house. Devoted to Dr. Jekyll, he is a man who obeys his employer despite any personal misgivings until he can no longer ignore his concerns and breaks his word, allowing Utterson and Emma in against Jekyll’s wishes.
Gender: Male or Female
Age Range: 20+
Bisset is the apothecary that provides Dr. Jekyll with all of his supplies for his experiments. He or she sees the change in Jekyll and seems to be truly concerned for him.
Age Range: 16+
The ensemble in this show plays a vital role in that they are the darker reality of London through which the rich principals blindly flow. The ensemble will be lower class working people, Red Rat patrons, prostitutes, burlesque dancers, beggars, newsboys, gossips, engagement party guests, wedding guests, orderlies, an inmate at the asylum, a minister, etc. There are many solos and small groups in large musical numbers for ensemble members. These will be assigned after auditions have taken place. The lush music of this show is one of its defining characteristics, so we are looking for an ensemble of people to create the music and the world in which this show takes place.
If you have questions prior to auditions, contact us on Facebook or on our website!
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