TRI-COUNTY FAMILY CARE CENTER - Melon Chunkin' Festival Sept 16th

Description: Tri-County Family Care Center Invites the People of Southeast Colorado to join them at the Melon Chunkin' Festival on Sept 16, 2023 at The Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds.

TRI-COUNTY FAMILY CARE CENTER - Melon Chunkin' Festival Sept 16th
Tri-County Family Care Center will have a Melon Chunkin’ Festival on Saturday, September 16 at the Arkansas Valley Fairgrounds from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
A Trebuchet machine will be used to launch cantaloupe and watermelon. There will be vendors, a Chainsaw Carver, Knights in Armor & Sword Fights.
Everyone dress up and decorate your bike with a Medieval theme. Please be at the fairgrounds by 11 am. A parade will be led by the Knights in Armor around the fairgrounds at 12:30 pm. Best decorated bike and costume will win prizes!
The Knights in Armor will perform 3 sword fights in the arena at 11:00 am, 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm. They will be available to visit people and interact with the kids, throughout the day.
Please let us know if you are willing to participate as a team. Call 719-254-7776 or pick up a registration form at 512 ½ N Main St, Rocky Ford. Pre-Registration is advised, because number of teams will be limited. You do not need to build a trebuchet.
Teams will use two we have on hand. There is a fee per team to participate. A team can include 2 adults and 2 youth (13 – 17 yrs) or 3-4 adults.
This event will be a great Family Strengthening or Team Building activity and win prizes too!! Teams will be judged on communication, teamwork and how well they score with the launching.
A Cantaloupe Catapult contest will be held during lunch time. Individuals can purchase a number for a cantaloupe to go the furthest or hit the bullseye.
TCFCC’s crew and Knights in Armor will do the launching. There will be first, second and third place in each category to win cash prizes.
Come watch for $7.00 adults, $5.00 for ages 8-18, 7 & under free. Let’s have a mini-Renaissance day!!
Sponsors are: Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Total Concept, Otero County Health Department Tobacco Program, Rocky Ford Discount Tire, SM Construction, Thaxton’s Market Fowler, Dianne Willhoite, Connect for Health Colorado, Hirakata Farms, Matt Proctor Farms and Gobins.
Come join the fun!!
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