Brian Whatley Obituary
Description: Brian Whatley Obituary... Our Heartfelt Condolences To His Loved Ones...
Brian Whatley
April 19, 1975 - Dec 8, 2023
Brian Whatley 48, born April 19th, 1975. Passed away unexpectedly on December 8th, 2023 in Longview, Washington where he was currently residing.
He is survived by his mother, Janice Whatley of La Junta, CO. Step Siblings Erica Whatley McKenna of Kansas City, Sean Whatley of Boyton Beach, Florida, and Lynae Whatley Schambeck of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. His nephew, Marcos Trujillo of La Junta, CO. Aunt Sylvia (Michael) Douglass of La Junta, CO, Uncle Lonnie Estep of Peralta, NM. Cousins Patti Macias & family of Parker, CO. Levi (Sally) Dellinger of RF, CO. Sean Douglass & family of Pueblo West, CO. Chris (Sarah) Douglass & family of Pueblo West, CO. Along with his extended family & friends.
Brian was proceeded in death by his grandparents: Warren & Chalene Snyder, and Paul & Emma Whatley. Father Johnny Paul Whatley, and sister Michelle Trujillo. His aunts Vicki Warren & Karen Estep, his uncle Gary Snyder, and cousin Kimberly Warren.
As a kid, Brian enjoyed camping in the mountains with his family. Playing video games, building models, fireworks, riding bikes, and taekwondo. As an adult his passion was music!
Music was his life. He loved playing his guitars and also enjoyed editing & creating music digitally in his self made home studio. He loved cooking, and the family pets.
Brian lived a simple life. He was a kind & quiet soul, with a warm & loving heart to the people who knew him best! He is greatly missed and will never be forgotten.
No public services will be held. There will be a private celebration of life with family & friends to honor Brian at a later date.
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