Swink Rec Director Reports Elementary Flag Football Coach Misbehavior to Council

Description: The Swink Board of Trustees heard an update on the Fall Rec Sports Season from Town Clerk Amanda Holland during the October 9th public meeting...

Published: 10/10/2024
Byline: SECO News

Swink Rec Director Reports Elementary Flag Football Coach Misbehavior to Council

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The Town of Swink Board of Trustees heard a report from Town Clerk and Swink Recreation Program Director Amanda Holland during the Wednesday, October 9th public meeting.

Holland said, "Football and Volleyball have been underway for a few weeks now, we hosted our two Saturdays and everything to my knowledge is good, other than our first flag football game. I had to text the Rec Director from La Junta because the coach was out of line not stopping his kids from head-locking, tackling and punching. Then the same coach decided to talk to our coach and wanted to meet him outside in the parking lot."

Trustee Robyn Platt asked, "For flag football? What age group?"

Holland responded that it was First and Second graders.

Jim Bensley with Swink public works said, "Let the kids play."

Trustee Ray Gonzales said, "There's no scouts in flag football."

Bensley said, "It's all fundamentals at that age."

Platt asked Holland if the numbers were up and she reported that they weren't bad for football.

Volleyball 5th and 6th grade is down because the 6th graders went to practice with Jr. High now despite not being able to play, Holland said. 

Platt asked for clarification, "Because the 7th and 8th grade don't have enough to play?"

Holland responded, "No, they just added 6th grade to the Jr. High now."

Trustee Rick Dell said, "That doesn't make sense that they can't play in the game, they just practice... It doesn't make sense."

Gonzales said, "I'm all about practicing, but I like to play too."

Holland continued that the rec program is going "pretty good" although she is waiting to hear back from other rec directors to start K-2 basketball registrations.

Later during the meeting Swink Mayor Chris Moreland spoke to the importance of civility prior to moving into executive session to discuss personnel issues.

A screenshot of the text message sent to La Junta Rec Officials said...

"Hey! Sooo you might want to have a talk with your flag football coach... He's rushing and not doing things right. He said we are teaching them to score. He got huffy with our [coach] and refs. Just letting you know. Thanks!"

We spoke with La Junta Parks and Rec regarding the situation and they reported that they were unaware of any threat that was made to anyone. They reiterated that they have reached out to Swink Rec in regards to the incident that was described at Swink Council and The La Junta Rec Department is treating this seriously and continues to advocate for a safe and friendly environment in youth athletics.

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