Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Oct 2024 Newsletter

Description: The Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Attended The La Junta Tarantula Fest, Hosted Their Annual Show at the La Junta City Park, Held a Club Cruise and More during the month of September...

Published: 10/20/2024
Byline: Antique Vehicle Club

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Southeast Colorado Antique Vehicle Club Oct 2024 Newsletter

Minutes of the October 1 meeting

President James Huff called the meeting to order with 16 members present. He led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rethabel Huff opened the meeting with a prayer.

Minutes Minutes of the September meeting were approved as published.

Treasurer's Report The report was approved The club decided not to publish the figures in the bank account for reasons of privacy and threats of fraud.

Old Business Even after persistent tries from Chuck Donkle, there has never been a payment from Sonic for our participation in their program from August 2023.

Wayne asked the club if we still wanted a poker run in the fall. It will take place on Saturday, October 26, starting at Bent's Fort at 10 a.m. with the same route, rules. Lunch will be at the Tamarack Grill. Please text Wayne at 303-907-5117 if you are planning on attending.

New Business Jimmy Martinez proposed a gift certificate for Doug and Missy Ricken. An amount of $100 was settled on.

Wayne proposed a "Help each other" plan for members. Members will try to help another with problems that someone else might be an expert in who could help. It will become an agenda item. Leonard Walgren is the first to use this service. He needs help with his Barracuda. Members who can should be at his place at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 19th.

There were 4 members with their cars in the Tarantula Days parade. Eight members participated in the car show plus two others. Chuck Donkle won the 50/50 pot. There $43 in sales of dash plaques. Also $85 was made at the car show in the park.

Next meeting will be the soup supper at the Otero Museum. Those who were at the meeting elected to bring: Judy W. - chicken noodle soup; Jimmy M. crackers, cheese, Fritos; James H - rolls; Menges - chili; Lee F. - crab salad; Alivn G. - chili; Wayne P. hot dogs; Greg H. - dessert and Carol A. - deviled eggs. Members who are planning on coming to the supper can fill in the gaps.

Name badges are still on order.

A problem at the car show was a lack of communication about the traffic pattern. Cars should enter from the north and exit on the south. Next year signs may be posted to try to alleviate the jam this caused.

A reminder about the trip to Timpas school on October 5 - meet at the Rocky Ford Elks at 4:00 p.m. to go as a group or meet at the school by 5:00 p.m. for supper. Drinks and meat are furnished. Bring a side dish to share. Menges will bring Bette McFarren.

Karen Menges won the 50/50 drawing and donated her winnings back to theĀ club.

Discussion of the first 3 meetings in the new year which will be afternoon meetings. Boss Hoggs was suggested for the January meeting. It will be decided at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be the soup supper at the Otero Museum, La Junta at 6:00 p.m.

2024 Meetings/Events

November 5 - Chili and Soup Dinner Otero Museum, LJ. 6:00 p.m.

December 3 - Christmas Dinner TBD

2025 Meetings/Events

January, February, & March - Afternoon meetings TBA

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