Wreaths Across America Ceremony - American Legion Post 9 - Fairview Cemetery La Junta Colorado

Description: American Legion Post 9 Commander Leon Davis was The Master of Ceremonies at the Fairview Cemetery in La Junta Colorado for the 2020 Wreaths Across America Ceremony Held December 19th.

Wreaths Across America Ceremony - American Legion Post 9 Fairview Cemetery La Junta Colorado
The Complete Wreaths Across America Ceremony from American Legion Post #9 of La Junta.
American Legion Post #9 Commander Leon Davis Plays Taps To Close The First Portion of the Ceremony.
Jay Scott had some help distributing the Wreaths. Lots of volunteers made the La Junta Wreaths Across America Ceremony a Success.
The Community Had the Opportunity to Honor Our Veterans by Purchasing Wreaths for Veterans Headstones.
It Was a Cold Morning, But Anyone Could See The Wreaths Across America Event Was Heartwarming for the Whole Community.
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