Southeast Colorado Freezing Fog and Frost Photography

Description: Freezing Fog Covered Southeast Colorado for Several Days Leaving Layers of Frost and Ice on Buildings, Vehicles, Trees, Signs and Roads. The Welcome to Swink Sign was Thick with Frost Tuesday Night.

Published: 02/09/2021
Byline: Hart

Southeast Colorado was Blanketed in Frost and Freezing Fog

Otero County Courthouse Frost SECO NEWS

The Otero County Courthouse Wednesday evening, after several nights of freezing fog have built layers of frost on the tree branches.

Frost built up on the Swink Schools Lion Sculpture adding a little white accent to the maroon lion's snout, mane, and arm.

Swink Lions Frost

Like all the playgrounds in Southeast Colorado this week, there is a thick layer of frost on the fencing, grass, equipment and trees.

Frost Swink Lions

Wood fencing across the valley has been well weathered by the frost this season.

Freezing Fog County Rd 24.5 Rd FF

Ice crystals have formed on barbed wire fencing as well as on all the trees in Southeast Colorado.

County Rd Z Frost Feb 2021 SECO News

This frozen lagoon off of county road Z was so still it was eerie.

A frost covered tree next to a frost covered gazebo in a frost covered park.

Horses Fog Frost SECO News

A little fog and a little cold weather didn't stop these horses from grazing on the frozen grass. SECO NEWS Freezing Fog Frost

This picture is from a previous storm with heavy fog just about a month earlier. From this point the intersection of County Rd 24.5 and County Rd FF is shadowed in dense fog.

Freezing Fog Frost SECO News

This Yucca was frosted over along with the local grasses and vegetation along the Arkansas River Bottom.

Frozen Stop Sign SECO NEWS

This article stops here, but you can find more great photos of Southeast Colorado in the Photography Category on the SECO News Yearbook Page.


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