Otero County Commissioners Meeting 6/27/22

Description: Otero County Department of Human Services Director Donna Rhode presented the minutes from the previous meeting for the commissioners approval.

Otero County Commissioners Meeting 6/27/22
Prior to their regular meeting the Otero County Commissioners met with Otero County Land Use Director Lex Nichols.
The commissioners approved a minor subdivision request at 26918 Rd 22, Rocky Ford. Herbert Mameda owns the property. The subdivision will separate the 2.8 acre homestead from the farm land.
In another Land Use approval, .92 acres was subdivided from an agricultural zoned tract to allow for construction of a new house on property owned by Nancy Lucero. The zoning change was unanimously passed by the commissioners.
Nichols reported that Planning Board Commissioner Bill Paquette stepped down after nearly 41 years of service on the Otero County Land Use Board.
Nichols said that Vince Tatum is also resigning after 12 years of service.
The board recommended appointing Dave Hill to fill one of the vacancies, Nichols said.
The Otero Commissioners unanimously voted to appoint Dave Hill to the Otero County Land Use Board.
The Land Use Meeting was adjourned and Commissioner Baldwin began the Otero County Commissioners Public Hearing for June 27, 2022.
As part of the consensus agenda items, the Otero Commissioners unanimously approved the minutes from their previous meeting.
Otero County Commissioners June 13, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Under New Business:
The Commissioners also unanimously appointed Lauren Jones to the Otero County Housing Authority Board.
"Dear Ms. McAtee:
The Otero County Commissioners hereby appoint Lauren Jones to the Otero County Housing Authority Board for a five (5) year term. Please express our gratitude to Ms. Jones as we appreciate her contribution to the Board and to Otero County."
The commissioners also unanimously appointed Tammy Ridennoure to the Otero County Historic Preservation Board.
"Dear Ms. Ridennoure:
Thank you for your interest in serving on the Otero County Historic Preservation Board.
Otero County wishes to appoint you to the Otero County Historic Preservation Board for a term of three years
(July 2022 - August 2025). If you have questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We appreciate your willingness to serve Otero County."
Read Ridennoure's Letter of Intent Here:
Tammy Ridennoure Appointed to Otero County Historic Preservation Advisory Board
During departmental reports Otero County Sheriff Shawn Mobley reported the utilization of a POST grant to further staff education, the sheriff's office has patrol and jailor positions they are seeking to fill, and child pornography cases are up in Otero County. Watch the complete video here:
Otero County Administrator Amy White-Tanabe reported on Tax revenues and gave historical comparisons over the last several years. She also said that the county is actively seeking contractor bids for the new Otero County Detention Center. Watch the Video Here:
Otero County Commissioners are:
Chair Jim Baldwin
Commissioner John Hostetler
Commissioner Oquist
Adminstrator Amy White-Tanabe
Clerk & Recorder Lynda Scott
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