Joey Hernandez-Pina Receives Bent County Communities that Care Youth Recognition Award

Description: Joey Hernandez-Pina was recognized by the Bent County Commissioners with the Funny Bone Award. He was one of several recipients of the Communities that Care Youth Recognition awards Thursday morning.
Published: 05/20/2021

Joey Hernandez-Pina Receives Bent County Communities that Care Youth Recognition Award
Funny Bone Award: A young person who goes out of their way to brighten people's day through laughter and fun.
Recipient: Joey Hernandez-Pina
Nomination Narrative: Joey is a very optimistic student who loves to have fun in class and joke around while still learning. He chooses appropriate times to joke and always does so with a good sense in mind.
He can always be counted on to make classmates smile and laugh along with his teachers. His one liner jokes are always quite hilarious and he is a good sport when people joke towards him and he will fire back all in good character. Joey is a very personable and laughable student that is always looking to make those around him laugh.
(The intention of the Communities That Care Youth Recognition Award is to acknowledge youth for their contributions to community outside of just athletics and academics and instead focus on some of the ways they make the world better.)
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