La Junta Tarantula Fest Family Bike Ride!

Description: The La Junta Tarantula Fest Family Bike Ride Details... Sponsored by Clean Valley Recycling... Riders Should Show Up at 8 a.m. on October 8, 2022.

La Junta Tarantula Fest Family Bike Ride!
As part of our spider celebrations, cyclists have organized a couple of routes that will showcase La Junta’s historic and modern neighborhoods, the city park, Otero College and the rural countryside of Otero County. Riders of all ages are welcome and will be lead and followed by expert cyclists.
The shorter ride originates at the La Junta Senior Center at 2nd street and Raton Ave, going through downtown and south along Santa Fe and Colorado Aves, then up and around Otero College. This leg then heads back downhill, through the city park and along Santa Fe and Colorado to 2nd, concluding at the senior center for a four-mile roundtrip.
More adventurous riders can continue on from the college through the quiet Circle Drive neighborhood, and uphill to the south along San Juan to County Road Y. The route turns west and descends to Anderson Arroyo which we parallel as we follow Otero County Road 28 back to 10th street.
We’ll go east up Hospital Hill and then back north along San Juan Ave to 2nd and then to the senior center. This longer route is around eight easy miles and crosses the historic Santa Fe Trail.
We can fill water bottles and use the restrooms at the senior center and leave around 8:30 so as to be back before the parade begins at 10:00. Morning weather could vary from cool to quite chilly!
For the safety of all, riders must wear helmets on either of these rides and refrain from music streaming or cellphone use during the ride. We’ll have sag-wagons and maintenance help in the event of flats or breakdowns. Be aware that Puncture Vines (goat-heads) grow abundantly in this semi-arid environment.
Be sure to read our rules and sign off on the standard waiver of liability form before departing. Also, bring a full water bottle for the ride. A spare inner-tube might come in handy if you ride without liners.
This is a free family ride but any donations will help support this and future Tarantula Fest rides.
Rental bicycles are available from the city of La Junta and some will be stationed nearby!
Help us estimate our ride numbers by signing up here:
Tarantula Fest Bike Ride Sign-Up Form
Call Stephen at 719-468-6954 or email with questions or suggestions.
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